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«Статус Конвенции N 121 Международной организации труда "О пособиях в случае производственного травматизма" (Женева, 8 июля 1964 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 06.05.2011)

EDULE I AMENDED IN 1980] (No. 121)

Adopted at the 48th Session of the ILC
Date of entry into force: 28.07.1967

24 ratifications
Belgium 22.04.1970
Plurinational State of Bolivia 31.01.1977
Pursuant to Article 2, paragraph 1, of the Convention, the
Government has availed itself of the temporary exceptions
provided for in Articles 5; 9, paragraph 3, clause (b); 12;
15, paragraph 2; and 18, paragraph 3.
Bosnia and Herzegovina 02.06.1993
Chile 30.09.1999
Croatia 08.10.1991
Cyprus 28.07.1966
Democratic Republic of the Congo 05.09.1967
Ecuador 05.04.1978
Pursuant to Article 2, paragraph 1, of the Convention, the
Government has availed itself of the temporary exceptions
provided for in Articles 5; 9, paragraph 3, clause (b); 12;
15, paragraph 2; and 18, paragraph 3.
Finland 23.09.1968
Has accepted the text of the List of Occupational Diseases
(Schedule I) amended by the ILC at its 66th Session (1980)
Germany 01.03.1972
Guinea 11.08.1967
Ireland 09.06.1969
Japan 07.06.1974
Has accepted the text of the List of Occupational Diseases
(Schedule I) amended by the ILC at its 66th Session (1980)
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 19.06.1975
Luxembourg 24.07.1972
Montenegro 03.06.2006
Netherlands 02.08.1966
Has accepted the text of the List of Occupational Diseases
(Schedule I) amended by the ILC at its 66th Session (1980)
Senegal 25.04.1966
Serbia 24.11.2000
Slovenia 29.05.1992
Sweden 17.06.1969
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 17.11.1991
Uruguay 28.06.1973
Has accepted the text of the List of Occupational Diseases
(Schedule I) amended by the ILC at its 66th Session (1980)
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela 10.08.1982
In conformity with Article 31 of the Convention, the list of
occupational diseases (Schedule 1), as amended by the ILC at its
66th session (1980), is effective for the member States a) which
were parties to the Convention before 24 June 1980 and have
accepted the list subsequently, or b) which have ratified the
Convention after that date. The list adopted in 1964 stays in
force for the member States parties to the Convention which do
not fulfil any one of the abovementioned conditions.

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