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«Статус Дополнительного протокола к Конвенции о преступлениях в сфере компьютерной информации относительно введения уголовной ответственности за правонарушения, связанные с проявлением расизма и ксенофобии, совершенные посредством компьютерных систем (ETS N 189) (Страсбург, 28 января 2003 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 25.01.2011)

tional Protocol advocates, promotes or incites discrimination that is not associated with hatred or violence.
Period covered: 1/11/2008 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 3

Reservation contained in the instrument of ratification deposited on 21 June 2005 - Or. Engl. - and confirmed in a letter from the Deputy Permanent Representative of Denmark, dated 13 June 2006, registered at the Secretariat General on 15 June 2006 - Or. Engl.
In accordance with Article 3, paragraphs 2 and 3, of the Protocol, the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark declares that Denmark reserves the right to fully or to partially refrain from criminalising acts covered by Article 3, paragraph 1.
Period covered: 1/3/2006 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 3
Reservation contained in the instrument of ratification deposited on 21 June 2005 - Or. Engl. - and confirmed in a letter from the Deputy Permanent Representative of Denmark, dated 13 June 2006, registered at the Secretariat General on 15 June 2006 - Or. Engl.
In accordance with Article 5, paragraph 2, letter b, of the Protocol, the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark declares that Denmark reserves the right to fully or to partially refrain from criminalising acts covered by Article 5, paragraph 1.
Period covered: 1/3/2006 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 5
Reservation contained in the instrument of ratification deposited on 21 June 2005 - Or. Engl. - and confirmed in a letter from the Deputy Permanent Representative of Denmark, dated 13 June 2006, registered at the Secretariat General on 15 June 2006 - Or. Engl.
In accordance with Article 6, paragraph 2, letter b, of the Protocol, the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark declares that Denmark reserves the right to fully or to partially refrain from criminalising acts covered by Article 6, paragraph 1.
Period covered: 1/3/2006 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 6
Declaration contained in the instrument of ratification deposited on 21 June 2005 - Or. Engl.
Pursuant to Article 14 of the Protocol, Denmark declares, until further notice, the Protocol will not apply to the Feroe Islands and Greenland.
Period covered: 1/3/2006 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 14

Declaration contained in the instrument of approval deposited on 10 January 2006 - Or. Fr.
In accordance with Article 6, paragraph 1, of the Protocol, France interprets the terms "international court established by relevant international instruments and whose jurisdiction is recognised by that Party" (Article 6, paragraph 1) as being any international criminal jurisdiction explicitely recognised as such by the French authorities and established under its domestic law.
Period covered: 1/5/2006 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 6

Declaration contained in the instrument of ratification deposited on 12 October 2006 - Or. Engl.
In accordance with Article 6, paragraph 2, subparagraph a, and Article 12, paragraph 3, of the Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime, the Republic of Lithuania states that criminal liability for denial or gross minimisation arises if it has been committed "with the intent to incite hatred, discrimination or violence against any individual or group of individuals, based on race, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin, as well as religion if used as a pretext for any of these factors".
Period covered: 1/2/2007 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 12, 6

Reservation contained in the instrument of ratification deposited on 3 March 2010 - Or. Engl.
In accordance with Article 6, paragraph

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