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«Статус Европейской конвенции о контроле за приобретением и хранением огнестрельного оружия частными лицами (ETS N 101) (Страсбург, 28 июня 1978 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 25.01.2011)

in its new capacity of country within the Kingdom. Therefore these treaties will as of 1 January 1986, as concerns the Kingdom of the Netherlands, apply to the Netherlands Antilles (without Aruba) and Aruba.
Consequently the treaties referred to in the annex, to which the Kingdom of the Netherlands is a Party and which apply to the Netherlands Antilles, will as of 1 January 1986 as concerns the Kingdom of the Netherlands apply to the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba.
List of Conventions referred to by the Declaration
101 European Convention on the Control of the Acquisition and Possession of Firearms by Individuals (1978).
Period covered: 1/1/1986 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): -

Declaration contained in a letter handed over by the Permanent Representative of Poland to the Secretary General at the time of signature of the instrument, on 23 May 2002 - Or. Engl. - and confirmed at the time of deposit of the instrument of ratification, on 2 June 2005.
The Republic of Poland makes the following interpretative declaration:
"In respect of the European Convention on the Control of the Acquisition and Possession of Firearms by Individuals, it should be specified that it is not necessary to give notice of transactions in which official bodies directly acquire firearms from foreign firms or in which firearms are acquired by firms within the framework of co-operation agreements between States or official bodies, on condition that the authorities of the country of destination provide a certificate to the effect that they have been informed of the acquisition in question.
The Republic of Poland declares that the Convention will apply only to persons who have habitual residence within the meaning of Rule No. 9 of the Annex to Resolution (72) 1 of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, on condition that the Contracting Party to the Convention, in the territory of which a given person resides, acknowledges such a residence as habitual.
The Republic of Poland declares that the Convention will apply to firearms of low power and to any object which has been permanently rendered for use provided such an object is indeed firearm or part of it."
Period covered: 1/10/2005 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): -
Declaration contained in a letter handed over by the Permanent Representative of Poland to the Secretary General at the time of signature of the instrument, on 23 May 2002 - Or. Engl. - and confirmed at the time of deposit of the instrument of ratification, on 2 June 2005.
In accordance with Article 9, paragraph 3, of the Convention, the Republic of Poland hereby designates as the authority to which the notifications referred to in this article should be addressed:
The Chief Commanding Officer of Police
148/150 Pulawska Street
02-624 Warsaw
(00 48 22) 60 148 79; (00 48 22) 60 131 45;
(00 48 22) 845 21 90
Fax: (00 48 22) 60 129 21
E.mail: rzecznik@kgp.gov.pl
Period covered: 1/10/2005 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 9
Reservation contained in a letter handed over by the Permanent Representative of Poland to the Secretary General at the time of signature of the instrument, on 23 May 2002 - Or. Engl. - and confirmed at the time of deposit of the instrument of ratification, on 2 June 2005.
In accordance with the provisions of Article 15, paragraph 1, of the Convention the Republic of Poland declares that it reserves the right:
- not to apply Chapter II of the Convention in respect of the objects comprised in sub-paragraphs j to n inclusive of paragraph 1 of Appendix I to the Convention;
- not to apply Chapter II of the Convention in respect of the objects comprised in parag

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