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«Статус Дополнительного протокола к Европейской конвенции о взаимной правовой помощи по уголовным делам (ETS N 99) (Страсбург, 17 марта 1978 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 25.01.2011)

g statement concerns Article(s): 7

Declaration contained in a letter from the Permanent Representation of the Netherlands, dated 20 February 1986, registered at the Secretariat General on 21 February 1986 - Or. Engl.

In addition to the letter of the Netherlands Permanent Representative No. 1799 of 24 December 1985, I have the honour to bring the following to your attention in your capacity of depositary of the treaties listed in the annex.

The treaties referred to in the annex, to which the Kingdom of the Netherlands is a Party (for the Kingdom in Europe) apply as of 1 January 1986 equally to Aruba.

List of Treaties


99. Additional Protocol to the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters (1978)


As the changes being made on 1 January 1986 concern a shift only in the internal constitutional relations within the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and as the Kingdom as such will remain the subject under international law with which treaties are concluded, the said changes will have no consequences in international law regarding to treaties concluded by the Kingdom which already apply to the Netherlands Antilles, including Aruba. These treaties will remain in force for Aruba in its new capacity of country within the Kingdom. Therefore these treaties will as of 1 January 1986, as concerns the Kingdom of the Netherlands, apply to the Netherlands Antilles (without Aruba) and Aruba.

Consequently the treaties referred to in the annex, to which the Kingdom of the Netherlands is a Party and which apply to the Netherlands Antilles, will as of 1 January 1986 as concerns the Kingdom of the Netherlands apply to the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba.

Period covered: 1/1/1986 -

The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 7

Declaration contained in a Note Verbale from the Permanent Representation of the Netherlands, dated 22 December 1993, registered at the Secretariat General on 6 January 1994 - Or. Engl.

In accordance with Article 7, paragraph 2, the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands extends the application of the Additional Protocol to the Netherlands Antilles.

Period covered: 6/1/1994 -

The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 7

Declaration contained in a Note Verbale from the Permanent Representation of the Netherlands, dated 22 December 1993, registered at the Secretariat General on 6 January 1994 - Or. Engl.

In accordance with Article 8, paragraph 2.a of the Additional Protocol, it accepts Chapter I of the Additional Protocol, with respect to the Netherlands Antilles, only in respect of relations with States with which the Kingdom of the Netherlands, in respect of the Netherlands Antilles, has concluded a treaty on the avoidance of double taxation, that is fully in force.

Period covered: 6/1/1994 -

The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 1


Reservation contained in the instrument of ratification deposited on 13 June 1991 - Or. Span.

The Spanish Government declares in accordance with Article 8, paragraph 2 that it reserves the right not to comply with letters rogatory for search or seizure of property in respect of fiscal offences.

Period covered: 11/9/1991 -

The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 2

Declaration contained in a letter from the Charge d'Affaires a.i. of Spain, dated 9 September 2008, registered at the Secretariat General on 10 September 2008 - Or. Fr. - and completed by a letter from the Permanent Representative of Spain, dated 15 January 2009, registered at the Secretariat General on 19 January 2009 - Or. Fr.

With reference to the extension and app

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