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«Статус Европейской конвенции о правовом статусе трудящихся-мигрантов (ETS N 93) (Страсбург, 24 ноября 1977 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 25.01.2011)

y 1983 - Or. Fr.
The Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands accepts the said Convention for the Kingdom in Europe.
Period covered: 1/5/1983 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 35
Reservation contained in the instrument of acceptance, deposited on 1 February 1983 - Or. Fr.
With regard to the import duties, the Kingdom of the Netherlands reserves the right to grant the exemptions referred to in Article 7, paragraph 3, in accordance with the national provisions in force.
Period covered: 1/5/1983 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 7
Reservation contained in the instrument of acceptance, deposited on 1 February 1983 - Or. Fr.
The Kingdom of the Netherlands reserves for the single national authority appointed in application of Article 11, paragraph 3, of the Convention the option to use the form referred to in paragraph 2 of that Article only when such use has been decided upon by mutual agreement between that authority and the authority of another Contracting Party or the authorities concerned of other Contracting Parties, or by the Minister of Justice of the Netherlands.
Period covered: 1/5/1983 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 11
Declaration contained in a letter from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, dated 21 January 1983, handed to the Secretary General at the time of deposit of the instrument of acceptance, on 1 February 1983 - Or. Fr.
I have the honour to inform you, in pursuance of Article 12, paragraph 2, of the Convention, that the Kingdom of the Netherlands makes the family reunion referred to in paragraph 1 of that Article further conditional upon the migrant worker having steady resources sufficient to meet the needs of his family.
Period covered: 1/5/1983 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 12

Reservation contained in the instrument of ratification, deposited on 3 February 1989 - Or. Engl.
In conformity with Article 36, the Government of Norway reserves the right not to recognise or enforce according to Article 11, paragraph 1, decisions and settlements relating to maintenance obligations between persons related collaterally and between persons related by affinity.
Period covered: 1/5/1989 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 11
Declaration contained in the instrument of ratification, deposited on 3 February 1989 - Or. Engl.
In conformity with Article 12, paragraph 2, the Government of Norway declares that it will make the family reunion referred to in Article 12, paragraph 1, further conditional upon the migrant worker having steady resources to meet the needs of his family.
Period covered: 1/5/1989 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 12

Reservation contained in the instrument of ratification deposited on 2 July 2007 - Or. Engl.
Ukraine recognizes the migrant workers' right to organise for the protection of their economic and social interests except political parties and trade unions.
Period covered: 1/10/2007 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 28

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