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«Статус Европейской конвенции о месте постоянного проживания (ETS N 19) (Париж, 13 декабря 1955 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 24.01.2011)

n contained in a letter from the Permanent Representative of Luxembourg, dated 5 March 1969, handed to the Secretary General at the time of deposit of the instrument of ratification, on 6 March 1969 - Or. Fr.
In pursuance of Article 12, paragraph 2 of the Convention:
1. The period stipulated in Article 12, paragraph 1.a is increased from five years to ten years.
2. The right to change from a wage-earning occupation to an independent occupation is not automatically granted in all cases.
Period covered: 6/3/1969 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 12

Declaration contained in the instrument of ratification, deposited on 21 May 1969 - Or. Fr.
We approve herewith, for the Kingdom in Europe, the Agreement reproduced above.
Period covered: 21/5/1969 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): -

Declaration contained in the instrument of ratification, deposited on 20 November 1957 - Or. Fr.
We approve, ratify and confirm the said Convention with the exception of paragraphs 1.a and c of Article 12.
Period covered: 23/2/1965 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 12
Reservation contained in the instrument of ratification, deposited on 20 November 1957 - Or. Fr.
With regard to paragraph 1 of Article 3, the Convention is ratified subject to the right of expulsion provided for in Article 13, paragraph 1.d, of the Norwegian Act of 27 July 1956 on the admission of aliens to the Kingdom of Norway.
Period covered: 23/2/1965 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 3

Reservation contained in the instrument of ratification, deposited on 24 June 1971 - Or. Fr.
Under Section 29.1, sub-paragraph 4, of the Aliens Act (1954:193) an alien may be expelled from Sweden if, during the preceding five years, he has been sentenced outside Sweden to imprisonment for an offence leading to expulsion under Swedish law, or if he has served a sentence for a similar offence and, because of the nature of the criminal act and other circumstances, it is to be feared that he may resume his unlawful activities in Sweden.
Period covered: 1/7/1971 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 3
Reservation contained in the instrument of ratification, deposited on 24 June 1971 - Or. Fr.
Under Section 16 of the Aliens Act (1954:193) and Section 11 of the Act governing the Right of Aliens or Foreign Firms to engage in a gainful occupation in the Kingdom (1968:555), any work permit and any authorisation to engage in such occupation issued for a specified period may be withdrawn if necessary for particular reasons.
Period covered: 1/7/1971 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 11
Declaration contained in the instrument of ratification, deposited on 24 June 1971 - Or. Fr.
Sweden does not recognise the conditions referred to in paragraphs 1.a and b.
Period covered: 1/7/1971 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 12
Reservation contained in the instrument of ratification, deposited on 24 June 1971 - Or. Fr.
Under Section 1 of the Act providing in certain cases for the Purchase of a Mining Concession (1949:658), the King in Council may, if there are special reasons for assuring Swedish influence over a mining enterprise, order that all or part of the mine be ceded, against reimbursement, to the Crown or any other person or body designated by the King in Council.
Period covered: 1/7/1971 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 23

Declaration contained in the instrument of ratification, deposited on 20 March 1990 - Or. Engl.
Turkey reserves its position on the term "in

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