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«Статус Европейского временного соглашения о социальном обеспечении по старости, инвалидности и потере кормильца (ETS N 12) (Париж, 11 декабря 1953 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 24.01.2011)

between the United Kingdom and the Irish Republic, signed in London on 14 September 1971.
i. Convention on social security between the United Kingdom and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, signed in London on 13 October 1953.
j. Convention on social security between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, signed at The Hague on 11 August 1954.
k. Convention on social security between the United Kingdom and Norway, signed in London on 25 July 1957.
l. Convention on social security between the United Kingdom and Portugal, signed in London on 15 November 1978.
m. Convention on social security between the United Kingdom and Sweden, signed in Stockholm on 9 June 1956.
n. Convention on social security between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Turkey, signed in Ankara on 9 September 1959.
[Note by the Secretariat: Last updating contained in a letter from the Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom, dated 25 February 1983, registered at the Secretariat General on 3 March 1983.]
Period covered: 1/10/1954 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 8
ANNEX III - Reservations to the Agreement formulated by the Contracting Parties
The Government of the United Kingdom has formulated the following reservation:
The provisions of the Agreement shall not apply to the obsolescent schemes for non-contributory old-age pensions in Great Britain, Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man, it being understood that equivalent benefits are available to the nationals of the contracting countries on the same conditions as to British nationals under the Supplementary Benefit schemes of Great Britain, Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man.
Period covered: 1/10/1954 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 9

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