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«Статус Рамочной конвенции Организации Объединенных Наций об изменении климата (Нью-Йорк, 9 мая 1992 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 28.09.2010)

and 1990
level in the Community as a whole.
The European Economic Community and its Member States are elaborating a coherent strategy in order to attain this objective."

Upon signature:
"The Government of Fiji declares its understanding that signature of the Convention shall, in no way, constitute a renunciation of any rights under international law concerning state responsibility for the adverse effects of climate change, and that no provisions in the Convention can be interpreted as derogating from the principles of general international law."

"The Government of the Republic of Hungary attributes great significance to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and it reiterates its position in accordance with the provisions of article 4.6 of the Convention on certain degree of flexibility that the average level of anthropogenic carbon-dioxide emissions for the period of 1985 - 1987 will be considered as reference level in context of the commitments under article 4.2 of the Convention. This understanding is closely related to the 'process of transition' as it is given in article 4.6 of the Convention. The Government of the Republic of Hungary declares that it will do all efforts to contribute to the objective of the Convention."

Upon signature:
"The Government of the Republic of Kiribati declares its understanding that signature and/or ratification of the Convention shall in no way constitute a renunciation of any rights under international law concerning state responsibility for the adverse effects of climate change, and that no provisions in the Convention can be interpreted as derogating from the principles of general international law."

In accordance with sub-paragraph g of article 4.2 of the Convention, the Principality of Monaco declares that it intends to be bound by the provisions of sub-paragraphs a and b of said article.

Upon signature:
"The Government of Nauru declares its understanding that signature of the Convention shall in no way constitute a renunciation of any rights under international law concerning state responsibility for the adverse effects of climate change, and that no provisions in the Convention can be interpreted as derogating from the principles of general international law."

17 February 2010
"The Kingdom of the Netherlands declares, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 14 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, that it accepts both means of dispute settlement referred to in that paragraph as compulsory in relation to any Party accepting one or both means of dispute settlement."

Papua New Guinea
"The Government of the Independent State of Papua New Guinea declares its understanding that ratification of the Convention shall in no way constitute a renunciation of any rights under International Law concerning State responsibility for the adverse effects of Climate Change as derogating from the principles of general International Law."

Solomon Islands
"In pursuance of article 14 (2) of the said Convention [the Government of the Solomon Islands] shall recognise as compulsory, arbitration, in accordance with procedures to be adopted by the Conference of the Parties as soon as practicable, in an annex on arbitration."

Upon signature:
"The Government of Tuvalu declares its understanding that signat

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