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«Статус Конвенции об открытом море (Женева, 29 апреля 1958 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 28.09.2010)

s of such waters and of the subjacent seabed and subsoil."

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
6 November 1959
"Her Majesty's Government desire to place on record their formal objections to the following reservations and declarations:
"The reservations to article 9, made by the Governments of Bulgaria, the Byelorussian SSR, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, the Ukrainian SSR, and the USSR.
"The reservations to articles 2, 3 and 4, and article 2(3) made by the Iranian Government."
5 April 1962
"Objection to the reservation made on ratification by the Government of Indonesia.
Her Majesty's Government have already stated to the Indonesian Government that they cannot regard as valid under international law the provisions of "Government Regulation No. 4, 1960, in lieu of an Act concerning Indonesian Waters" to the extent that these provisions embody a claim to territorial waters extending to 12 miles or purport to demarcate territorial waters by the drawing of straight base lines between the outermost islands, or points, of a group of islands or purport to treat as internal waters all waters enclosed by those lines."
17 June 1965
"Objection to the reservation to article 9 contained in the Albanian instrument of accession to the Convention."
2 November 1966
"Objection to the reservation to article 9 contained in the Mexican instrument of accession."
13 May 1975
"Her Majesty's Government desire to place on record their formal objection to the reservations by the German Democratic Republic concerning article 9 of the Convention on the High Seas." (In this connection, the Government of the United Kingdom indicated that they had not received the depositary notification reproducing the text of the reservations made by the Government of the German Democratic Republic until early in August 1974.)
10 January 1977
"The views of the United Kingdom Government regarding reservations and declarations made in connection with this Convention were set out in the letter of the 5th of November 1959 from the Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom to the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
"The United Kingdom Government now desire to place on record their formal objection to the reservation by the Government of Mongolia concerning article 9 of this Convention."

United States of America <9>
19 September 1962
"The United States does not find the following reservations acceptable:
"1. The reservations to article 9 made by the Governments of Bulgaria, the Byelorussian SSR, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, the Ukrainian SSR and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
"2. The reservations made by the Iranian Government to articles 2, 3, and 4 and article 26, paragraphs 1 and 2.
"3. The reservation made by the Government of Indonesia."
19 August 1965
"The reservation to article 9 made by the Government of Albania in its instrument of accession."
28 September 1966
"The reservation made by the Government of Mexico in its instrument of accession."
11 July 1974
"The Government of the United States does not find acceptable the reservations made by the German Democratic Republic to article 20 of the Convention on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone and to article 9 of the Convention on the High Seas. The Government of the United States, however, considers those Conventions as continuing in force between it and the German Democratic Republic except that provisions to which the above-mentioned reservations are addressed shall apply only to the extent that they are not affected by those reservations."

End Note
1. Signed on behalf of the Republic of China, on 29

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