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«Статус Конвенции о биологическом разнообразии (Рио-де-Жанейро, 5 июня 1992 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 28.09.2010)

ators, in particular as regards the granting of licences, through normal commercial mechanisms and decisions, while ensuring adequate and effective protection of property rights."

Upon signature:
With reference to article 3, that it interprets that article as a guiding principle to be taken into account in the implementation of the Convention;
With reference to article 21, paragraph 1, that the decision taken periodically by the Conference of the Parties concerns the "amount of resources needed" and that no provision of the Convention authorizes the Conference of the Parties to take decisions concerning the amount, nature or frequency of the contributions from Parties to the Convention.
Upon ratification:
With reference to article 3, that it interprets that article as a guiding principle to be taken into account in the implementation of the Convention;
The French Republic reaffirms its belief in the importance of the transfer of technology and biotechnology in guaranteeing the protection and long-term utilization of biological diversity. Respect for intellectual property rights is an essential element of the implementation of policies for technology transfer and co-investment.
The French Republic affirms that the transfer of technology and access to biotechnology, as defined in the Convention on Biological Diversity, will be implemented according to article 16 of that Convention and with respect for the principles and rules concerning the protection of intellectual property, including multilateral agreements signed or negotiated by the Contracting Parties to the present Convention.
The French Republic will encourage recourse to the financial mechanism established by the Convention for the purpose of promoting the voluntary transfer of intellectual property rights under French ownership, inter alia, as regards the granting of licences, by traditional commercial decisions and mechanisms while ensuring the appropriate and effective protection of property rights.
With reference to article 21, paragraph 1, the French Republic considers that the decision taken periodically by the Conference of the Parties concerns the "amount of resources needed" and that no provision of the Convention authorizes the Conference of the Parties to take decisions concerning the amount, nature or frequency of the contributions from Parties to the Convention.

"The Republic of Georgia will use both means for dispute settlement referred to in the Convention:
1. Arbitral consideration in accordance with the procedure given in the enclosure II, Part I.
2. Submitting of disputes to the International Court."

"Ireland wishes to reaffirm the importance it attaches to transfers of technology and to biotechnology in order to ensure the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity. The compliance with intellectual property rights constitutes an essential element for the implementation of policies for technology transfer and co-investment.
For Ireland, transfers of technology and access to biotechnology, as defined in the text of the Convention on Biological Diversity and in compliance with the principles and rules of protection of intellectual property, in particular multilateral and bilateral agreements signed or negotiated by the contracting parties to this Convention.
Ireland will encourage the use of the financial mechanism established by the Convention to promote the voluntary transfer of intellectual property rights held by Irish operators, in particular as regards the granting of licences, through normal commercial mechanisms and decisions, while ensuring adequate and effective protection of property rights."

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