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<Статус Протокола о поправках к Единой конвенции о наркотических средствах 1961 года (Женева, 25 марта 1972 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 16.09.2010)

Narcotic Drugs, as it considers that the powers conferred therein on the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) are incompatible with its role as a co-ordinating body for national control systems and give it supranational supervisory functions.

The Socialist Republic of Romania does not consider itself bound by the provisions contained in article 6, insofar as those provisions relate to States which are not parties to the Single Convention.
The Council of State of the Socialist Republic of Romania considers that the provisions of article 17 of the Protocol are not in accordance with the principle that international multilateral treaties, the aims and objectives of which concern the world community as a whole, should be open to participation by all States.

Serbia <4>
Confirmed upon succession:
With the reservations that articles 9 and 11 of the Protocol shall not apply in the territory of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

Objections (Unless otherwise indicated, the declarations and reservations were made upon ratification, accession or succession.)

30 September 2003
With regard to the declaration made by Algeria upon accession:
"The Government of the State of Israel has noted that the instrument of ratification of Algeria to the above mentioned Protocol contains a declaration with respect to the State of Israel. The Government of the State of Israel is of the view that such declaration, which is explicitly of a political nature, is incompatible with the purposes and objectives of this Protocol.
The Government of the State of Israel therefore objects to the aforesaid declaration made by Algeria to the Protocol of 1972 Amending the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961."

Territorial Application

Participant Date of receipt of Territories
the notification

United Kingdom of Great 20 Jun 1978 Bailiwick of Guernsey, the
Britain and Northern Bailiwick of Jersey, the
Ireland <13>, <17> Isle of Man, the Associated
States (Antigua, Dominica,
Saint Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla,
Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent),
Belize, Bermuda, British
Virgin Islands, Brunei,
Cayman Islands, Falkland
Islands and Dependencies,
Gibraltar, Gilbert Islands,
Hong Kong, Montserrat, Saint
Helena and Dependencies,
Solomon Islands, Turks and
Caicos Islands and Tuvalu.

End Note
1. Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Fiftieth Session, Supplement No. 1 (E/5044), p. 8.
2. The Protocol had been signed on behalf of the Republic of Viet-Nam on 25 March 1972. See also 1 under "Viet Nam" in the "Historical Information" section in the front matter of this volume.
3. On 12 November 1999, the Government of Portugal informed the Secretary-General that the Protocol will apply to Macau.
Subsequently, on 9 and 15 December 1999, the Secretary-General received communications regarding

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