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<Статус Круга ведения Международной исследовательской группы по меди (Женева, 24 февраля 1989 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 16.09.2010)

g Governments notified the Secretary-General that they had decided to withdraw from the International Copper Study Group as from the dates indicated hereinafter:

Participant: Date of Date of effect:
Philippines 4 Dec 1995 2 Feb 1996
Norway 14 July 2000 12 Sep 2000
Japan 31 Oct 2002 30 Dec 2002
United Kingdom of Great Britain and 22 July 2003 20 Sep 2003
Northern Ireland
Indonesia 31 July 2003 29 Sep 2003
Canada 29 Sep 2003 28 Nov 2003

2. At the Group's 3rd Special session held from 16 - 17 March 2005 in Lisbon, the members of the International Copper Study Group decided by consensus (See Annex B - Decision) to amend paragraph 15 (a) of the above-mentioned Terms of Reference pursuant to article 21 thereof. In accordance with paragraph 2 of the above Decision, the amendment to paragraph 15 (a) entered into force for all parties immediately and apply to member assessments for 2006 and future years.
3. For the Kingdom in Europe.
4. See note 1 under "former Yugoslavia", and note 1 under "Yugoslavia" in the "Historical Information" section in the front matter of this volume.

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