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<Статус Конвенции о правах инвалидов (Нью-Йорк, 13 декабря 2006 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 16.09.2010)

erence to a system of norms (like the constitution or the legal order of the reserving State) without specifying the contents thereof leave it uncertain to which extent that State accepts to be bound by the obligations under the treaty. Moreover, those norms may be subject to changes.
The reservation made by the Republic of El Salvador is therefore not sufficiently precise to make it possible to determine the restrictions that are introduced into the agreement.
The Federal Republic of Germany is therefore of the opinion that the reservation is incompatible with object and purpose of the Convention and the Protocol and would like to recall that, according to Article 46, paragraph 1 of the Convention, and Article 14, paragraph 1 of the Protocol, a reservation incompatible with the object and purpose of the Convention shall not be permitted.
The Federal Republic of Germany therefore objects to the above-mentioned reservation. This objection shall not preclude the entry into force of the Convention and the Protocol between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of El Salvador."

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