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<Статус Конвенции о договоре международной дорожной перевозки грузов (КДПГ/CMR) (Женева, 19 мая 1956 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 16.09.2010)

Government of Hungary notified the Secretary-General that it had decided to withdraw its reservation with respect to article 47 of the Convention made upon accession. For the text of the reservation see United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 725, p. 375.
9. On 16 October 1997, the Government of Poland notified the Secretary-General that it had decided to withdraw its reservation with regard to article 47 of the Convention made upon ratification. For the text of the reservation see United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 430, p. 501.
10. The Government of Spain declared in its instrument of accession to the Convention that Spain did not consider itself bound by the United Kingdom communication notifying the extension of the Convention to Gibraltar, since it would not apply the Convention to Gibraltar by reason of the fact that article X of the Treaty of Utrecht signed on 13 July 1713 did not grant Gibraltar communication by land with Spain. In a subsequent communication, received on 12 February 1974, the Government of Spain stated that in making the above-quoted declaration its intention was not to formulate a reservation that might be covered by article 48 (3) of the Convention, but to place on record the fact that Spain did not consider itself bound by the communication from the Government of the United Kingdom, a communication which had no legal force whatever inasmuch as it was contrary to article X of the Treaty of Utrecht.
Subsequently, on 11 September 1974, a communication was received from the Government of the United Kingdom to the effect that that Government did not accept the statements made by the Government of Spain in its instrument of accession and in the letter received by the Secretary-General on 12 February 1974, concerning the effect of article X of the Treaty of Utrecht and the legal force of the notification by the Government of the United Kingdom of the extension of the Convention to Gibraltar.

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