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<Статус Европейского соглашения о международной дорожной перевозке опасных грузов (ДОПОГ/ADR) (Женева, 30 сентября 1957 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 16.09.2010)

¦03.09.2008 a ¦
¦Турция ¦ ¦22.02.2010 a ¦
¦Украина ¦ ¦01.05.2000 a ¦
¦Финляндия ¦ ¦28.02.1979 a ¦
¦Франция ¦13.12.1957 ¦02.02.1960 ¦
¦Хорватия <3> ¦ ¦23.11.1992 d ¦
¦Черногория <7> ¦ ¦23.10.2006 d ¦
¦Чешская Республика <4> ¦ ¦02.06.1993 d ¦
¦Швейцария ¦06.11.1957 ¦20.06.1972 ¦
¦Швеция ¦ ¦01.03.1974 a ¦
¦Эстония ¦ ¦25.06.1996 a ¦

Geneva, 30 September 1957

Status as at: 16-09-2010

Entry into force: 29 January 1968, in accordance with article 7 <1>
Registration: 29 January 1968, No. 8940
Status: Signatories: 9. Parties: 46
Text: United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 619, p. 77; vol. 641, p. 3 (French only); vol. 731, p. 3 (English only). For amendments to Annexes A and B, see vol. 774, p. 368; vol. 828, p. 518; vol. 883, p. 174; vol. 907, p. 158; vol. 921, p. 284; vol. 922, p. 282; vol. 926, p. 114; vol. 951, p. 433; vol. 982, p. 313; vol. 987, p. 435; vol. 1003, p. 249; vol. 1023, p. 462; vol. 1035, p. 330; vol. 1074, p. 352; vol. 1107, p. 269; vol. 1161, p. 461; vol. 1162, p. 437; vol. 1259, p. 407; vol. 1279, p. 307; vol. 1297, p. 406; vol. 1344, p. 231; and depositary notifications C.N.324.1984.TREATIES-2 of 20 February 1985; C.N.39.1987.TREATIES-1 of 4 May 1987; C.N.280.1987.TREATIES-3 of 10 December 1987; C.N.86.1989.TREATIES-1 of 22 May 1989; C.N.86.1982.TREATIES-2 of 5 April 1982 and C.N.160.1982.TREATIES-3 of 9 July 1982 (corrigenda to the English and French texts of annexes A and B); C.N.111.1991.TREATIES-1 of 29 July 1991 (amendments to appendix B.6 of annex B, as amended); C.N.209.1992.TREATIES-1 of 30 June 1992 (amendments to annexes A and B, as amended); vol. 1845, p. 48 (amendments to annexes A and B, as amended); C.N.223.1996.TREATIES-2 of 1 July 1996 (amendments to annexes A and B, as amended); C.N.399.1996.TREATIES-5 of 30 December 1996 (corrections to amendments to annexes A and B, as amended); C.N.439.1996.TREATIES-6 of 30 December 1996 (amendments to annexes A and B, as amended); C.N.308.1997.TREATIES-6 of 15 July 1997 (amendments proposed by the Secretary-General to annexes A and B, as amended); C.N.310.1998.TREATIES-1 of 1 July 1998 (amendments to annexes A and B as amended); C.N.1078.2000.TREATIES-3 of 1 January 2001 (proposal of amendments by Portugal to annexes A and B, as amended) and C.N.282.2001.TREATIES-1 (Reissued) of 17 April 2001 (acceptance of the amendments); C.N.870.2001.TREATIES-4 of 18 September 2001 (proposal of corrections to the amendments to annexes A and B, as amended) and C.N.1454.2001.TREATIES-5 of 18 December 2001 (acceptance); C.N.302.TREATIES-1 of 5 April 2002 (proposal of corrections to the amendments to annexes A and B, as amended) and C.N.675.2002.TREATIES-2 of 5 July 2002 (acceptance); C.N.666.2002.TREATIES-1 of 1 July 2002 (proposal of amendments by Portugal to annexes A and B, as amended) and C.N.1064.2002.TREATIES-2 of 2 October 2002 (acceptance); C.N.1025.2002.TREATIES-1 of 20 September 2002 (proposal of corrections to amendments to annexes A and B, as amended) and C.N.1333.2002.TREATIES-2 of 20 December 2002 (acceptance); C.N.1345.2002.TREATIES-2 of 27 December 2002 (proposal of amendment by

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