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Постановление Европейского суда по правам человека от 08.07.2010 <Дело Абдулажон Исаков (Abdulazhon Isakov) против России» [англ.]

000 the applicant exchanged his USSR passport for a Russian passport in Department of the Interior No. 6 in the Tsentralniy district of Tyumen (ГОМ-6 УВД Центрального района Тюмени).
11. On 13 July 2005 the Passport and Visa Service of the Tyumen Regional Department of the Interior (the UVD) examined the validity of the applicant's Russian passport and stated that the document had been issued unlawfully, that it should be confiscated as invalid and that the applicant was not a Russian citizen.
12. On 14 March 2008 the Department of the Federal Migration Service of the Tyumen Region (the FMS) informed the Tyumen regional prosecutor's office that "...in 2005 the issuance of the Russian passport to A.M. Isakov was declared unsubstantiated as he was not a Russian citizen... the passport was declared invalid and it was supposed to be confiscated. However, as it has been impossible to establish A.M. Isakov's whereabouts, at the time of writing the passport has not been confiscated..."
13. On 15 August 2008 (the document is also dated 15 August 2005) the applicant complained to the Tsentralniy district court of Tyumen and requested that the decision of 13 July 2005 be overruled as unlawful. The applicant stated, among other things, that he was a Russian citizen and that he had not been informed about the decision concerning the invalidity of his passport until the hearing conducted on 27 March 2008 by the Tsentralniy district court on the issue of his detention pending extradition to Uzbekistan (see part 3, - "Extradition proceedings", below).
14. On 22 August 2008 the Tsentralniy district court refused to examine the applicant's complaint. The applicant appealed and on 29 September 2008 the Tyumen regional court overruled that decision and remitted the case for a fresh examination.
15. On 15 October 2008 the Tsentralniy district court again refused to examine the applicant's complaint.
16. The applicant lodged a civil claim challenging the validity of the decision of 13 July 2005. On 25 February 2009 the Tsentralniy district court rejected the claim, stating that the applicant had failed to substantiate his allegation that he had been a legal resident of Russia since 6 February 1992 and that therefore he could not be a Russian citizen.
17. On 20 April 2009 this decision was upheld on appeal by the Tyumen Regional Court.

2. Proceedings in Uzbekistan

18. On 12 June 1998 the Namangan regional prosecutor's office of Uzbekistan (the Namangan prosecutor's office) opened a criminal case against the applicant under Article 159 § 4 of the Uzbek Criminal Code (attempt to violently overthrow the State's constitutional order). The applicant was accused of "...actively participating in the subversive activities of an extremist movement... by conducting the holy war "jihad" ...to create an Islamic state".
19. On 29 June 1998 the applicant was charged in absentia and his name was put on the wanted list.
20. On 20 October 2003 the Namangan prosecutor's office brought additional charges against the applicant under Article 242 of the Uzbek Criminal Code (organisation of a criminal group and subversive activities). The applicant was charged in absentia. The decision also stated that the applicant should be arrested and his name should remain on the wanted list. The Uzbek courts did not issue orders for his arrest.

3. Extradition proceedings

21. On 6 March 2008 the applicant was arrested by officers of the Tyumen town department of the interior (the GUVD) on unknown grounds.
22. On 7 March 2008 the applicant was placed in FBU/IZ-72/1 ("the detention centre"). The decision to arrest the applicant and detain him in the detention centre was not authorised by a court.
23. On 27 March 2008 the Tsentralniy district court of

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