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Постановление Европейского суда по правам человека от 17.06.2010 «Дело Батаев и другие (Batayev and others) против России» [англ.]

wn prosecutor's office opened criminal investigation file No. 11012 into Zaur Ibragimov's kidnapping.
31. On 1 February 2001 the prosecutor's office of the Chechen Republic ("the Chechnya prosecutor's office") forwarded the sixth applicant's complaint to the town prosecutor's office and commented that Magomed Temurkayev had been taken away by "unidentified military servicemen in masks".
32. On 9 February 2001 the Chechnya prosecutor's office forwarded to the town prosecutor's office the seventh applicant's complaint about the disappearance of her son, who had been apprehended by "unidentified military servicemen".
33. On 2 April 2001 the town prosecutor's office instituted a criminal investigation into the kidnapping of the ninth applicant's sons, Sayd-Ali Musayev and Kharon Musayev, under Article 126 § 2 of the Russian Criminal Code ("aggravated kidnapping"). The case was assigned number 11107.
34. On 26 April 2001 the investigation in criminal case No. 12199 was resumed. On the same day cases Nos. 12256, 12263 and 11012 were joined to it.
35. On 16 July 2002 the Chechnya prosecutor's office informed the applicants, including the ninth applicant, that the investigation in case No. 12199 had been suspended and then resumed and that the case file had been transferred to the town prosecutor's office.
36. On 19 August 2002 the Chechen Department of the Ministry of the Interior, pursuant to the rules on territorial jurisdiction, forwarded the eighth applicant's complaint about Rizvan Ismailov's apprehension "by military servicemen" to the department of the interior of the Leninskiy District of Grozny.
37. On 5 November 2002 the applicants' counsel requested the Main Department for the Execution of Sentences to inform him whether Khasan Batayev, Zaur Ibragimov, Magomed Temurkayev, Rizvan Ismailov, Sayd-Ali Musayev and Kharon Musayev had been in detention since September 2000. On 29 November 2002 the Main Information Centre of the Ministry of the Interior replied that it had no information concerning the six missing men.
38. On 25 November 2002 the town prosecutor's office granted victim status to the ninth applicant in case No. 11107 in relation to her sons' kidnapping.
39. On 19 December 2002 the town prosecutor's office suspended the proceedings in case No. 11107 on account of the failure to identify the perpetrators and ordered the police to pursue more actively the search for Sayd-Ali Musayev and Kharon Musayev.
40. On 15 October 2003 the prosecutor's office of the Leninskiy District of Grozny ("the district prosecutor's office") granted victim status in case No. 12199 to the following five applicants: the second, eighth and ninth applicants in relation to their sons' kidnapping; and the fourth and sixth applicants in relation to their sons' kidnapping and the theft of their cars. The decision referred to the registration number of the car which had belonged to Zaur Ibragimov, but only referred to the type of vehicle - VAZ-21099 - used by Magomed Timurkayev. The first, third, fifth and seventh applicants were not granted victim status.
41. On 24 October 2003 the district prosecutor's office suspended the proceedings in case No. 12199 because the term of the preliminary investigation had expired and ordered the police to pursue more actively the search for the disappeared men. According to the decision, the six men had been apprehended by "unidentified persons" wearing camouflage uniforms and armed with machine guns.
42. In their observations the Government submitted that on 7 April 2005 case No. 11107 had been joined to case No. 12199.
43. On 14 December 2005 the district prosecutor's office resumed the investigation in case No. 12199.
44. On 15 January 2006 the distr

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