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Постановление Европейского суда по правам человека от 08.04.2010 «Дело Тасатаевы (Tasatayevy) против России» [англ.]

(in the submitted documents the date is also referred to as 31 May and 1 June 2001) the applicants, their sons and other relatives were at home. At about 3 a.m. a group of twenty-five to thirty armed men arrived at their household. They were wearing black masks, were equipped with a portable radio station and had a grey sniffer dog. Some of the men were armed with sniper rifles with telescopic sights. When the men spoke to each other, they did so in unaccented Russian; they mainly communicated by gesturing and behaved like an organised group with a chain of command. The intruders neither identified themselves nor produced any documents. The applicants and their relatives thought they were Russian military servicemen.
8. The servicemen split into several groups and went into the different dwellings through the windows. They searched the houses and demanded and checked identity documents.
9. In the first applicant's house one of the men demanded in unaccented Russian that the first applicant hand over her husband's passport for checking; after that he took the document and went outside, ordering everyone to stay inside and threatening to shoot if anyone disobeyed.
10. The first applicant managed to go onto the porch. In the yard she saw around twenty-five to thirty servicemen who were accompanied by a sniffer dog. At the gates the applicant saw Aslanbek Tasatayev standing with his hands up against the wall. Meanwhile the officers took Aslan Tasatayev out of the house where he lived with his family. The servicemen refused to answer the applicants' questions about the reasons for their sons' abduction and referred to an order of their superiors. One of them, who was unmasked and of Slavic appearance, told the second applicant that her son was being arrested "by order" and that Aslan and Aslanbek Tasatayev would be home by the next morning.
11. In the yard one of the officers called someone on his portable radio and requested a car. About ten minutes later a grey UAZ minivan ("tabletka") arrived at the gate. Its back windows were covered with plywood instead of glass. Aslan and Aslanbek Tasatayev were placed in the vehicle and taken in the direction of the town centre. The rest of the servicemen followed the car on foot; the group went in the direction of the Urus-Martan district military commander's office ("the district military commander's office"). According to local residents, the UAZ car with the applicants' sons in it drove into the yard of the district military commander's office.
b. The subsequent events
12. In the morning, immediately after the end of the curfew, the first applicant went with her neighbour Ms L. to the local law-enforcement agencies to find out where Aslan and Aslanbek Tasatayev had been taken. On the way there the women spoke with the men who had stood watch at the guard post located towards the town centre. According to the men, on the night of the abduction the grey UAZ ("tabletka") vehicle with the abducted men in it had driven towards the town centre. They also confirmed that those of the servicemen who had left the applicants' house on foot had also gone in the direction of the town centre.
13. After that the applicants and their relatives went to the district military commander's office and the Urus-Martan temporary district department of the interior (the Urus-Martan VOVD) and asked about the whereabouts of the abducted men. The agencies denied any involvement in the abduction. After that the applicants with their relatives lodged written complaints about the abduction of Aslan and Aslanbek Tasatayev to the Urus-Martan district prosecutor's office ("the district prosecutor's office") and the Urus-Martan district department of the interior (the Urus-Martan ROVD).
14. On the same morning the applicants and their relatives learnt from their neighbours that on th

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