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Постановление Европейского суда по правам человека от 08.04.2010 «Дело Садулаева (Sadulayeva) против России» [англ.]

t the intersection. The servicemen let Ms T.S. go; she managed to get a lift in another car and left.
9. At that time a bus going from Urus-Martan to Alkhazurovo was also stopped at the intersection. The bus had many passengers, including Ms Khamila D., Ms Kaypa A. and Ms Tamara S. The servicemen checked the identity documents of two young men who were on the bus.
10. Meanwhile, the bus passengers saw from the windows that the servicemen at the intersection were checking the documents of the three men in the purple VAZ car. Ms Tamara S. and Ms Khamila D. recognised one of them as their acquaintance Aslan Sadulayev. They saw that the servicemen were not letting the three men go and that the APCs moved and surrounded the VAZ car. Ms Khamila D. tried to get out of the bus and ask the officers why they were detaining Aslan Sadulayev, but the servicemen ordered her to stay on board.
11. The three women and other bus passengers saw the VAZ car surrounded by the APCs drove away in the direction of Urus-Martan.
12. In support of her statements, the applicant submitted: an account of events by her; an account by Ms Kh.E.; an account by Ms Kaypa A.; an account by Ms Khamila D. and an account by Ms Tamara S., all dated 1 August 2006.
b. Subsequent events
13. On 14 December 2002 a resident of Martan-Chu, known to the applicant under the name of Mr Rizvan (also spelled as Rezvan), visited the applicant. He told her that Mr M.M. had asked him to inform her that her son Aslan Sadulayev had been abducted by Russian military servicemen. Mr Rizvan agreed to take the applicant the next day to his meeting with Mr M.M. in Urus-Martan.
14. In the morning of 15 December 2002 the applicant with Mr Rizvan arrived at Urus-Martan. At about midday they met Mr M.M., who informed the applicant about his car journey with Aslan Sadulayev on 9 December 2002. He told her that their car had been stopped at the intersection by Russian military servicemen. The officers had told the men in the car that they would take them to the Urus-Martan district military commander's office (the district military commander's office) for questioning and would release them afterwards. At the entrance to the district military commander's office Mr M.M. had met an acquaintance of his who worked there and who arranged his immediate release. Mr M.M. also told the applicant that the military officers had not returned his purple VAZ car and that he had not seen it since. He further promised to the applicant that he would arrange her son's release later in the evening and that she should wait for him at 5 p.m. at the local market in Urus-Martan.
15. The applicant waited for Mr M.M. at the agreed place from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., but he did not turn up. For the next three days the applicant waited there for him, to no avail. The applicant searched for Mr M.M. through Mr Rizvan. The latter introduced her to the sister of Mr M.M., Ms Z.M., who informed the applicant that she had heard about the abduction of Aslan Sadulayev and that she had been unable to find Mr M.M. for several days.
16. According to the applicant, at some point after 2005 she contacted her acquaintances in the village of Goy-Chu and inquired whether Ms T.S., who had been in the same car with Aslan Sadulayev when it had been stopped at the intersection, lived there and worked in the local school. She had been told that Ms T.S. had indeed worked at the school and lived in the village, but she had got married and changed her maiden name to Ms T.I.
17. The applicant also submitted that she had managed to find out that the serviceman she had known by the name of Mr Rizvan was in fact Mr I.Kh., a resident of Goyskoye village, who had been serving at the district military commander's office in 2002 and who had been killed in 2004. She further stated that shortly after the commencement of the criminal investig

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