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Постановление Европейского суда по правам человека от 18.03.2010 «Дело Тронин (Tronin) против России» [англ.]

duce that was sold to the State in 1990 and 1991 are to be sold at the retail prices that prevailed before 2 January 1992...
2. To extend the period of validity of the Urozhay-90 bonds until the end of 1992..."
23. On 10 August 1992 the Government adopted Resolution No. 1442-r. It required the Russian ministries to allocate substantial amounts for the purchase of goods that were to be sold on production of the Urozhay-90 bonds. It further provided:
"4. The Ministry for Trade and Material Resources, in cooperation with the Central Consumers' Union, shall define, within two weeks, the list of goods intended for the implementation of the Urozhay-90 bonds...
5. The Prices Committee of the Ministry of the Economy shall determine the increase in prices of domestic and imported goods since 1990... The price difference shall be reimbursed from the republican budget.
6. The Ministry of Agriculture shall carry out an inventory of bonds held by agricultural enterprises and organisations and private individuals as on 1 September.
7. The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Agriculture shall, within two weeks, lay down the procedure for the buyout of the Urozhay-90 bonds through the branches of the Savings Bank. It is to be taken into account that these bonds may be either used for purchasing goods or bought out by the State with a coefficient of 10."
24. On 16 April 1994 the Government approved Regulation No. 344 on State commodity bonds, which provided as follows:
"With a view to redeeming the State commodity bonds and preventing accrual of the State's liability to compensate for price differences, the Government of the Russian Federation resolves:
1. The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation -
- will buy out... the Urozhay-90 bonds at a price equivalent to their nominal value multiplied by 70 and credit that amount into a bank account..."
25. On 1 June 1995 the Commodity Bonds Act (No. 86-FZ, ФЗ "О государственных долговых товарных обязательствах") was enacted. It provided that State commodity bonds, including Urozhay-90 bonds, would be recognised as part of the internal State debt of the Russian Federation (section 1). The obligations arising out of the commodity bonds would be settled in accordance with the general principles of the Russian Civil Code, the limitation period being set at ten years (section 2). The original wording of section 3 provided:
"The Government of the Russian Federation shall draft, in 1995 - 1997, the State Programme for settlement of the internal debt of the Russian Federation described in section 1, based on the principle of full compensation. The Programme shall provide for redemption terms... convenient for citizens, including, according to their choice: provision of goods designated in... the State bonds issued to agricultural suppliers...; redemption of State commodity bonds at consumer prices prevailing at the time of the redemption...; conversion of the debt into State securities..."
26. On 16 January 1996 the Government adopted Resolution No. 33, by which it annulled Regulation No. 344 and instructed the Ministry of Finance to redeem the State commodity bonds within the amounts allocated for that purpose in the federal budget.
27. On 2 June 2000, section 3 of the Commodity Bonds Act was amended to provide that the procedure for implementation of the State's obligations to holders of the Urozhay-90 bonds would be determined in a special federal law.
28. On 27 December 2000 the Government adopted the State Programme for settlement of the internal debt of the Russian Federation. Paragraph 14 of the Programme provided that the procedure for payments in respect of the Urozhay-90 bonds would be determined in a special federal law.
29. In 2003 the application of section 1 of the Commodity Bonds Act was for the first time susp

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