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Постановление Европейского суда по правам человека от 04.03.2010 «Дело Савенкова (Savenkova) против России» [англ.]

ion and fail to appear at court, commit another crime or interfere with the establishment of the truth in the criminal case, [the investigator] has decided to choose with regard to [Mrs] Savenkova Tatyana Rafailovna... detention in the Tambov SIZO-1 as a measure of restraint..."
10. On 13 July 2001 the applicant was charged with incitement to murder.
11. On 6 August 2001 the applicant changed her legal counsel.
12. On 9 August 2001 the applicant made an application for the measure of restraint to be changed to an undertaking not to leave her place of residence. She submitted that her second son, having been injured in an accident, was in hospital, and her younger daughter of three needed to be taken care of.
13. On 22 August 2001 the Oktyabrskiy District Court of Tambov dismissed the application as follows:
"On 6 July 2001 a measure of restraint was chosen by the Prosecutor of the Oktyabrskiy District in respect of [Mrs] Savenkova.
[Mrs] Savenkova requests that the measure of restraint be changed as she is not guilty, has three children, and her son has been injured in an accident.
The measure of restraint was chosen lawfully and reasonably, and took into consideration the gravity of the charges.
Pursuant to Article 220-2 of the [RSFSR] Code of Criminal Procedure, [the court] has decided to dismiss the complaint.
This decision may be appealed against to the Tambov Regional Court within seven days."
14. The applicant did not appeal against the decision.
15. On 29 August 2001 the acting Prosecutor of the Oktyabrskiy District of Tambov extended the applicant's pre-trial detention to 5 October 2001, referring to the gravity of charges as grounds.
16. On 2 October 2001 the acting Deputy Prosecutor of the Tambov Region extended the applicant's pre-trial detention to 4 November 2001, referring to the gravity of charges and the risk of fleeing justice and obstructing the investigation.
17. On 29 October 2001 the acting Deputy Prosecutor of the Tambov Region extended the applicant's pre-trial detention to 4 December 2001, referring to the gravity of the charges and the risk of fleeing justice and obstructing the investigation.
18. On 4 December 2001 the criminal case file was submitted to the Tambov Regional Court for examination on the merits.
19. On 10 December 2001 the applicant's counsel sent a telegram to the Tambov Regional Court requesting it to terminate the applicant's prosecution and release her from custody.
20. On 19 December 2001 the Tambov Regional Court scheduled the first trial hearing to take place on 4 January 2004 and held that the preventive measure applied to the applicant, the detention in the Tambov SIZO-1, "should remain unchanged".
21. On 14 March 2002 the Tambov Regional Court found the applicant guilty of incitement to murder and sentenced her to eight years' imprisonment. Z. was found guilty of murder and sentenced to twelve years' imprisonment.
22. On 14 June 2002 the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation examined and dismissed an appeal by the applicant. The applicant and Z. were transferred to correctional facilities to serve their sentences.
23. On 30 August 2002 the Deputy Prosecutor General, at the applicant's request, lodged an application for supervisory review of the judgment.
24. On 23 October 2002 the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation granted the request for supervisory review, quashed the judgment on the grounds of inadequate legal assistance to Z., and remitted the case to the first-instance court for fresh examination. The Supreme Court ordered the applicant and Z. to remain in custody.
25. On 13 November 2002 the case file was transferred to the Tambov Regional Court. On an unspecified date the applicant and Z. were transfe

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