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Постановление Европейского суда по правам человека от 17.12.2009 «Дело Шилбергс (Shilbergs) против России» [англ.]

parade. The parade was performed in the presence of the applicant's lawyer and two attesting witnesses. The victim was asked to identify the alleged perpetrator by his voice. Two other individuals took part in the parade. The applicant alleged that they had had very strong accents because one of them was of Chechen ethnic origin and the other one was Lithuanian.
9. Two days later the investigator served the applicant and his counsel with the bill of indictment and allowed them to study the case file. On the following day the investigator closed the pre-trial investigation and sent the case to the Neman Town Court for trial.
10. On 12 October 2001 the Town Court remitted the case to the investigating authorities, finding that the applicant had not had sufficient time to study the file. The applicant was granted a month for examination of the file. In June 2002 the Town Court accepted a request from the applicant's counsel, Ms Z., and granted her and the applicant five days to review the file.
11. On 11 June 2002 the prosecutor asked the Neman Town Court to remit the case for an additional pre-trial investigation in order to correct certain procedural defects. The applicant objected and applied for release on his own recognisance. On the same day the Town Court granted the prosecutor's request and dismissed that of the applicant.
12. On 30 July 2002 the Kaliningrad Regional Court quashed the decision of 11 June 2002 in the part concerning the remittance of the case to the investigating authorities, and ordered that the Town Court should commence the trial.
13. A month later the first trial hearing was held. The applicant's lawyer unsuccessfully asked the Town Court to exclude from evidence certain items including the record of the applicant's voice identification parade.
14. On 5 September 2002 the Neman Town Court found the applicant guilty of several counts of aggravated robbery committed within a group of individuals and sentenced him to nine years' imprisonment.
15. The applicant's lawyer, Ms Z., appealed.
16. The Kaliningrad Regional Court fixed the first appeal hearing for 25 February 2003. The applicant's lawyer, Ms Z., failed to appear and the applicant asked for an adjournment. The Kaliningrad Regional Court granted his request and postponed the hearing until 11 March 2003.
17. On 27 February 2003 the applicant, assuming that Ms Z. could no longer participate, asked the Regional Court to appoint another counsel to assist him during the appeal proceedings. The Government submitted that the Regional Court had not responded to the applicant's request, acting in accordance with well-established judicial practice. According to the Government, at the material time the domestic courts erroneously considered that the Russian Code of Criminal Procedure did not require them to appoint legal-aid counsel to represent defendants in appeal proceedings.
18. On 1 April 2003 the Kaliningrad Regional Court upheld the applicant's conviction.

B. Detention in the detention unit of the Neman
town police department

1. Conditions of detention

19. On 16 August 2001 the applicant was placed in the temporary detention unit of the Neman town police department, where he remained until 24 August 2001. Between 16 August 2001 and 12 November 2002 he was detained in the unit twelve times, the shortest period of his detention lasting two days and the longest one seventeen. The aggregate length of his detention in the unit amounted to three months and thirteen days.
20. In his application form the applicant alleged that he had usually been detained in a cell measuring over nine square metres and accommodating six detainees. In his observations lodged on 1 March 2007, however, he amended his description, insisting that he had

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