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"Соглашение между Правительством Российской Федерации и Советом Министров Боснии и Герцеговины о воздушном сообщении" [рус., англ.] (Вместе с «Таблицей маршрутов») (Заключено в г. Москве 19.11.2009)

e agreement between the aeronautical authorities of the Parties.
5. Charter, additional and non-scheduled flights shall be carried out based on preliminary request of the designated as well as non-designated airlines, submitted to the aeronautical authorities in accordance with existing regulation of the Parties.
6. The charter services should not jeopardize scheduled services on the agreed routes and in this respect, the operation of the said charter services should be coordinated with the airlines designated to operate scheduled services on that route. The charter services should be operated in accordance with the national legislation of the State of origin.
7. Designated airlines of one Party, which operate flights on the agreed services, may enter into commercial arrangements included, but not limited "block-space" and "code-sharing" with designated airlines of the other Party. The aeronautical authorities of the Parties shall agree upon such arrangements. Similar arrangements with airlines of third countries shall be the subject of separate agreement between the aeronautical authorities of the Parties.
8. The designated airlines of the Parties may operate with utilization of any type of subsonic passenger aircraft smaller than 500 seats of capacity.

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