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"Соглашение о взаимопонимании между Министерством юстиции Российской Федерации и Министерством юстиции Арабской Республики Египет" [рус., англ.] (Заключено в г. Каире 23.06.2009)

and Cultural Cooperation" of the Ministry of Justice of the Arab Republic of Egypt. This joint working group shall find the best means and possible mechanisms to implement the legal and judicial cooperation between the Parties.

Article 3

The Parties shall cooperate on the following:
3.1. Sharing experience and information in the judicial and legislative fields;
3.2. Organizing visits of the representatives of the Judiciary of both Countries;
3.3. Organizing training courses for Judiciary of both Countries;
3.4. Promoting cooperation between Parties in the field of judicial studies;
3.5. Providing assistance to improve justice administration;
3.6. Exchanging legislations, periodical judicial publications and legal researches;
3.7. Organizing judicial seminars and legal workshops on bilateral and multilateral levels;
3.8. Promoting cooperation in the field of human rights protection;
3.9. Developing information system in judicial field.

Article 4

The Agreement shall enter into force for an unlimited period upon signing. It may be terminated by a written notice addressed from one of the Parties to the other. This termination shall be effective six months after receiving that notice.

Done in Cairo on the 23rd of June in duplicate Russian, Arabic and English languages, all texts are equally authentic. In case of divergences in interpretation, the English text shall prevail.

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