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«Статус Протокола против незаконного изготовления и оборота огнестрельного оружия, его составных частей и компонентов, а также боеприпасов к нему, дополняющий Конвенцию Организации Объединенных Наций против транснациональной организованной преступности (Нью-Йорк, 31 мая 2001 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 15.05.2009)

d protocol is:
Ministry of Interior
Raina Boulevard 6
Riga, LV-1505
Phone: +371 7219263,
Fax: +371 7271005,
E-mail: kanceleja@iem.gov.lv"

"...in accordance with Article 13 (2) of the Protocol, the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania declares that the Police Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania is designated as the point of contact to act as liaison between it and other States Parties on matters relating to this Protocol."

"The Competent Authority charged with the responsibility of coordinating and the rendering of mutual legal assistance is:
The Principal Secretary Ministry of Home Affairs and Internal Security
Private Bag 331, Lilongwe 3. MALAWI
Fax: 265 1 789509
Tel: 265 1 789 177.
The Official Language of communication is English."

"The agency that may act pursuant to Article 13 of the Firearms Protocol as liaison for Norway with regard to the exchange of information between States Parties in connection with the efforts to combat violations of the Firearms Protocol is the National Criminal Investigation Service."

13 December 2004
...in accordance with article 13 (2) of the aforementioned Protocol, the Republic of Panama has designated the Ministry of Government and Justice as the national body or single point of contact to act as liaison between it and other States Parties on matters relating to the Protocol.

"With regard to article 13, paragraph 2 of this Protocol, without prejudice to article 18, paragraph 13 of the Convention, the Government of the Republic of Poland designates the Chief Commander of the Police as the national body to act as a liaison between the Republic of Poland and other States Parties on matters relating to this Protocol."

"In accordance with Article 13 paragraph 2 of the Protocol, Romania declares that the National Agency for Export Control is the national point of contact designated to liaise with other States Parties in matters relating to the said Protocol."

20 April 2009
"The Permanent Mission of the Republic of Serbia to the OSCE and other International Organizations in Vienna... has the honour to notify of the Serbian competent authorities for the implementation of the Article 13 (Cooperation) of the Protocol...
The requests shall be addressed to:
Name of Authority:
Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia
Ministry of Interior, 2, Bulevar Mihaila
Full postal address: Pupina, 11000 Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
Name of Service to be contacted: Service for Combating Organized Crime
Name of Person to be contacted: Mr. Svetislav Djurovic, Head of Service for Combating Organized Crime
Telephone: +381 11 311 84 65
Fax: +381 11 311 84 64
Office hours: from 08:30 to 16:30
Time zone: GMT 1
Languages: English, French, German, Spanish."

South Africa
"AND WHEREAS the Secretary-General is hereby notified, in accordance with Article 13 (2) of the Protocol, that the National Commissioner of the South African Police Service has been designated as the single point of contact to liaise with other States Parties on matters relating to the Protocol as required by Article 13 (2) of said Protocol."

19 March 2007
Ministerio del Interior
Direccion General de la Policia y la Guardia Civil
Intervencion Central de Armas y Explosivos
Calle Batalla del Salado, 32
28045 Madrid
Telephone: +34 91 514 2400
Fax: +34 91 51

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