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«Статус Международной конвенции о борьбе с актами ядерного терроризма (Нью-Йорк, 13 апреля 2005 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 15.05.2009)

eir express consent. The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany therefore declares that it does not consent to the Egyptian declaration as so interpreted with regard to any armed forces other than those of the Arab Republic of Egypt, and in particular does not recognize any applicability of the Convention to the armed forces of the Federal Republic of Germany.
The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany also emphasizes that the declaration by the Arab Republic of Egypt has no effect whatsoever on the Federal Republic of Germany's obligations as State Party to the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism or on the Convention's applicability to armed forces of the Federal Republic of Germany.
The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany regards the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism as entering into force between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Arab Republic of Egypt subject to a unilateral declaration made by the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt, which relates exclusively to the obligations of the Arab Republic of Egypt and to the armed forces of the Arab Republic of Egypt."
4. The Secretary-General received from the following State, on the date indicated hereinafter, a communication with regard to the declaration and reservation made by Turkey upon signature:
Latvia (22 December 2006):
"The Government of the Republic of Latvia has examined the reservation and declaration made by the Republic of Turkey to the International Convention on the Suppression of the Acts of Nuclear Terrorism upon signature to the Convention regarding Article 4 (2).
The Government of the Republic of Latvia is of the opinion that this declaration is in fact unilateral act that is deemed to limit the scope of the Convention and therefore should be regarded as reservation. Thus, this reservation contradicts to the objectives and purposes of the Convention on the suppression the commitment of the acts of nuclear terrorism wherever and by whomsoever they may be carried out.
Moreover, the Government of the Republic of Latvia considers that the reservation named as a declaration conflicts with the terms of Article 4 (1).
Therefore, the Government of the Republic of Latvia is of the opinion that this declaration reservation contradicts to the objectives and purposes of the International Convention to suppress the acts of nuclear terrorism wherever and by whomsoever they might be carried out.
The Government of the Republic of Latvia recalls that customary international law as codified by Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, and in particular Article 19 (c), sets out that reservations that are incompatible with the object and purpose of a treaty are not permissible.
The Government of the Republic of Latvia therefore objects to the aforesaid reservation named as declaration made by the Republic of Turkey to the International Convention on the Suppression of the Acts of Nuclear Terrorism.
However, this objection shall not preclude the entry into force of the Convention between the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Turkey. Thus, the International Convention will become operative without the Republic of Turkey benefiting from its reservation."

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