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«Статус Конвенции о таможенном режиме, применяемом к контейнерам, переданным в пул и используемым для международных перевозок (Конвенция о контейнерном пуле) (Женева, 21 января 1994 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 15.05.2009)

¦11 Apr 1995¦11 Apr 1995 ¦
¦Italy ¦11 Apr 1995¦ 6 Jan 1998 ¦
¦Liberia ¦ ¦16 Sep 2005 a¦
¦Lithuania ¦ ¦ 3 Jan 2003 a¦
¦Malta ¦ ¦12 Jul 1995 a¦
¦Poland ¦ ¦ 4 Aug 2000 a¦
¦Slovakia ¦ ¦23 Apr 1999 a¦
¦Slovenia ¦ ¦27 Oct 2000 a¦
¦Sweden ¦13 Apr 1995¦29 Mar 1996 ¦
¦Switzerland ¦15 Feb 1995¦ ¦
¦Uganda ¦ 7 Nov 1994¦ ¦
¦United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern ¦13 Apr 1995¦ 6 May 2003 ¦
¦ Ireland <1> ¦ ¦ ¦
¦Uzbekistan ¦ ¦27 Nov 1996 a¦

(Unless otherwise indicated, the declarations
and reservations were made upon ratification or accession.)

[Same reservation, identical in essence, mutatis mutandis, as the one made under European Community.]

In respect of article 13 of the [said Convention], the Cuban customs authorities will require documentation under their jurisdiction or warranty when, in their judgement, such measures will promote better compliance with this Convention.

Czech Republic
The Czech Republic enters the reservation to paragraph 2 of article 6 and paragraph 2 of article 7, concerning the granting of temporary admission without payment of import duties and taxes on spare parts, accessories and equipment imported for the repair or adjustments of the Pool containers without the production of customs documents being required and without the furnishing of a form of security.

European Community
"Pursuant to articles 6 and 7 of the Convention, community legislation requires, in certain circumstances, production of customs documents and the furnishings of a form of security for component parts for repair and for accessories and equipment of containers. These circumstances are:
- cases of serious risk of failure to comply with the obligation to re-export and
- cases where payment of the customs debt likely to arise is not entirely certain."

[Same reservation, identical in essence, mutatis mutandis, as the one made under European Community.]

"... WHEREAS, it is provided in Article 15 of the said Convention, the Republic of Lithuania declares that by applying paragraph 2 of Articles 6 and 7 of the above-mentioned Convention, it shall reserve the right to require the production of Customs documents and security on importation and re-exportation of the component parts for repair of containers and (or) their accessories and equipment. These requirements shall be applied in the following circumstances:
1) cases of serious risk of failure to comply with the obligation to re-export the component parts for repair of containers and (or) their accessories and equipment, and
2) cases where payment of customs debt likely to arise is not entirely certain."

"Malta wishes to enter t

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