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Постановление Европейского суда по правам человека от 09.04.2009 «Дело Газиева и другие (Gaziyeva and others) против России» [англ.]

he APC, saying "You were told not to run away." Several other detained men were also put in the same APC. After that the men in camouflage uniform said: "Let's get ready, we are leaving". After that the witness and his passengers managed to get back in their car and drove away. After that the witness arrived at the market in Chechen-Aul where he told his fellow villagers what had happened.
23. On 24 December 2001 the investigators also questioned Mr B.Sh., Abdul-Malik Shakhmurzayev's brother. The witness stated that on 8 February 2001 Abdul-Malik Shakhmurzayev, Malik Z. and Gilani M. had been driving from Gikalo to Chechen-Aul. At the entrance to the village they were stopped, taken out of the vehicle and taken to the military commander's office in Gikalo. In the morning of 9 February 2001 the witness had gone to the military commander's office, where he was told that the men had been transferred to the Urus-Martan department of the Federal Security Service (the Urus-Martan FSB). The witness had not been able to obtain any information about his brother in Urus-Martan.
24. On an unspecified date the investigators questioned Mr A.M., Gilani M.'s brother. The witness stated that residents of Chechen-Aul had told him that on 8 February 2001 his brother had gone to Gikalo with Malik Z. to have their pictures taken for the driver's licence. At the entrance to Chechen-Aul they had been taken out of the vehicle and taken to the military commander's office in Gikalo. In the morning of 9 February 2001 the witness had visited the office, where he had been told that the men had been handed over to officers of the Urus-Martan FSB. The witness had not been able to obtain any information about his relative in Urus-Martan.
25. On 22 May 2002 the investigators questioned Mr R.R., Abdul-Malik Shakhmurzayev's neighbour, who stated that his fellow villagers had told him that when Abdul-Malik Shakhmurzayev had been driving in a ZIL-131 lorry from Gikalo to Chechen-Aul he had picked up two passengers, Malik Z. and Gilani M. Two other residents of Chechen-Aul had been driving in another ZIL-131 lorry behind Abdul-Malik Shakhmurzayev's vehicle. These two residents of Chechen-Aul had also been apprehended by the same servicemen and taken together with Abdul-Malik Shakhmurzayev and his passengers to the military commander's office in Gikalo. These two men had been released two hours later and they had informed the applicants about the arrest of Abdul-Malik Shakhmurzayev and his passengers.
At a later date the investigators questioned the witness again, and he stated that on 8 February 2001 he had been driving from Grozny to Chechen-Aul. At the entrance to the village he had met his fellow villagers Mr L.D. and another man, who had told him that about ten minutes previously a group of unidentified persons in APCs had taken away Abdul-Malik Shakhmurzayev, Malik Z. and Gilani M. From what he had heard the witness also had understood that one of the men taken away had been wounded. According to the witness, he had learnt that the men had been taken to the former canning factory in Gikalo, where the local military commander's office and a unit of the Russian military was stationed at the time. Some time later the three men had been taken somewhere in the Urus-Martan district.
26. On an unspecified date the investigators questioned Mr I.R., who gave a statement similar to that of Mr R.R.
27. On 27 May 2002 the applicants and their relatives wrote to the Grozny district prosecutor's office (the district prosecutor's office) and provided the following details concerning the circumstances of Abdul-Malik Shakhmurzayev's abduction. On 8 February 2001 he was driving from Gikalo to Chechen-Aul in ZIL-131 lorry. At the turning for Chechen-Aul he picked up two residents of Chechen-Aul to give them a lift to the village. At the entrance to

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