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«Статус Третьего дополнительного протокола к Уставу Всемирного почтового союза (Гамбург, 27 июля 1984 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 01.01.2009)

¦ ¦ ¦
¦Yemen (Republic of) ¦ 0,5 ¦ IV ¦R 345/1994¦
¦Zambia (Republic of) ¦ 1 ¦ V ¦S ¦
¦Zimbabwe (Republic of) ¦ 3 ¦ V ¦S ¦

<*> For units: contribution class of three units and voluntary contribution of an amount equal to one unit.

Number of member countries: 191.

a The Acts are indicated at the head of the columns by the following abbreviations:
C - Constitution of the Universal Postal Union and Final Protocol
PA - Additional Protocol to the Constitution of the Universal Postal Union
RG - General Regulations of the Universal Postal Union
CV - Universal Postal Convention and Final Protocol
P - Postal Payment Services Agreement
b The letters in the various columns indicate:
S - that the Act has been signed
SD - that the Act was signed definitively by the plenipotentiaries present at Congress
R - that the Act has been ratified
X - that the Act has been approved in accordance with article 25, paragraph 4, of the Constitution
A - that the country has acceded to the Act
c The member countries are distributed among the following five geographical groups:
I - Americas
II - Eastern Europe and Northern Asia
III - Western Europe
IV - Southern Asia and Oceania
V - Africa
d Entry into force and period of validity of the 2004 Bucharest Acts
The Acts adopted by the Bucharest Congress in 2004 will come into force on 1 January 2006. Except for the Seventh Additional Protocol and the General Regulations, which will remain in force for an indefinite period, the Universal Postal Convention and Final Protocol and the Postal Payment Services Agreement will stay in force until the entry into force until 31 December 2009.
e) Mise a execution et duree de validite des Actes du 24e Congres - 2008 adoptes a Geneve:
- les Actes du 24e Congres - 2008 entreront en vigueur le 1er janvier 2010;
- le huitieme Protocole additionnel a la Constitution et le premier Protocole additionnel au Reglement general demeureront en vigueur pendant un temps indetermine;
- la Convention postale universelle et son Protocole final ainsi que l'Arrangement concernant les services postaux de paiement resteront valables jusqu'a la mise a execution des Actes du prochain 25e Congres qui aura lieu en 2012.

> 1 2 3 ... 16 17 18


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