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"РИМСКИЙ СТАТУТ МЕЖДУНАРОДНОГО УГОЛОВНОГО СУДА" [рус., англ.] (Вместе с "ПОСОБИЕМ ДЛЯ РАТИФИКАЦИИ И ИМПЛЕМЕНТАЦИИ...") (Принят в г. Риме 17.07.1998 Дипломатической конференцией полномочных представителей под эгидой ООН по учреждению Международного уголовного суда)

g the names of candidates with the qualifications specified in paragraph 3 "b"i"; and
List B containing the names of candidates with the qualifications specified in paragraph 3 "b"ii".
A candidate with sufficient qualifications for both lists may choose on which list to appear. At the first election to the Court, at least nine judges shall be elected from list A and at least five judges from list B. Subsequent elections shall be so organized as to maintain the equivalent proportion on the Court of judges qualified on the two lists.
6. a) The judges shall be elected by secret ballot at a meeting of the Assembly of States Parties convened for that purpose under article 112. Subject to paragraph 7, the persons elected to the Court shall be the 18 candidates who obtain the highest number of votes and a two-thirds majority of the States Parties present and voting.
b) In the event that a sufficient number of judges is not elected on the first ballot, successive ballots shall be held in accordance with the procedures laid down in subparagraph "a" until the remaining places have been filled.
7. No two judges may be nationals of the same State. A person who, for the purposes of membership of the Court, could be regarded as a national of more than one State shall be deemed to be a national of the State in which that person ordinarily exercises civil and political rights.
8. a) The States Parties shall, in the selection of judges, take into account the need, within the membership of the Court, for:
i) The representation of the principal legal systems of
the world;
ii) Equitable geographical representation; and
iii) A fair representation of female and male judges.
b) States Parties shall also take into account the need to include judges with legal expertise on specific issues, including, but not limited to, violence against women or children.
9. a) Subject to subparagraph "b", judges shall hold office for a term of nine years and, subject to subparagraph "c" and to article 37, paragraph 2, shall not be eligible for re-election.
b) At the first election, one third of the judges elected shall be selected by lot to serve for a term of three years; one third of the judges elected shall be selected by lot to serve for a term of six years; and the remainder shall serve for a term of nine years.
c) A judge who is selected to serve for a term of three years under subparagraph "b" shall be eligible for re-election for a full term.
10. Notwithstanding paragraph 9, a judge assigned to a Trial or Appeals Chamber in accordance with article 39 shall continue in office to complete any trial or appeal the hearing of which has already commenced before that Chamber.

Article 37

Judicial vacancies

1. In the event of a vacancy, an election shall be held in accordance with article 36 to fill the vacancy.
2. A judge elected to fill a vacancy shall serve for the remainder of the predecessor's term and, if that period is three years or less, shall be eligible for re-election for a full term under article 36.

Article 38

The Presidency

1. The President and the First and Second Vice-Presidents shall be elected by an absolute majority of the judges. They shall each serve for a term of three years or until the end of their respective terms of office as judges, whichever expires earlier. They shall be eligible for re-election once.
2. The First Vice-President shall act in place of the President in the event that the President is unavailable or disqualified. The Second Vice-President shall act in place of the President in the event that both the President and the First Vice-President are unavailable or disqualified.
3. The President, toget

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