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"ЕВРОПЕЙСКАЯ КОНВЕНЦИЯ О ВЗАИМНОЙ ПРАВОВОЙ ПОМОЩИ ПО УГОЛОВНЫМ ДЕЛАМ" (ETS N 30) [рус., англ.] (Заключена в г. Страсбурге 20.04.1959)

ено в Страсбурге двадцатого апреля одна тысяча девятьсот пятьдесят девятого года на английском и французском языках, причем оба текста имеют одинаковую силу, в единственном экземпляре, который будет находиться на хранении в архивах Совета Европы. Генеральный секретарь Совета Европы препровождает заверенные копии настоящей Конвенции каждому из подписавших ее или присоединившихся к ней Правительств.



(Strasbourg, 20.IV.1959)


The governments signatory hereto, being members of the Council of Europe,
Considering that the aim of the Council of Europe is to achieve greater unity among its members;
Believing that the adoption of common rules in the field of mutual assistance in criminal matters will contribute to the attainment of this aim;
Considering that such mutual assistance is related to the question of extradition, which has already formed the subject of a Convention signed on 13th December 1957,
Have agreed as follows:


Article 1

1. The Contracting Parties undertake to afford each other, in accordance with the provisions of this Convention, the widest measure of mutual assistance in proceedings in respect of offences the punishment of which, at the time of the request for assistance, falls within the jurisdiction of the judicial authorities of the requesting Party.
2. This Convention does not apply to arrests, the enforcement of verdicts or offences under military law which are not offences under ordinary criminal law.

Article 2

Assistance may be refused:
a) if the request concerns an offence which the requested Party considers a political offence, an offence connected with a political offence, or a fiscal offence;
b) if the requested Party considers that execution of the request is likely to prejudice the sovereignty, security, ordre public or other essential interests of its country.


Article 3

1. The requested Party shall execute in the manner provided for by its law any letters rogatory relating to a criminal matter and addressed to it by the judicial authorities of the requesting Party for the purpose of procuring evidence or transmitting articles to be produced in evidence, records or documents.
2. If the requesting Party desires witnesses or experts to give evidence on oath, it shall expressly so request, and the requested Party shall comply with the request if the law of its country does not prohibit it.
3. The requested Party may transmit certified copies or certified photostat copies of records or documents requested, unless the requesting Party expressly requests the transmission of originals, in which case the requested Party shall make every effort to comply with the request.

Article 4

On the express request of the requesting Party the requested Party shall state the date and place of execution of the letters rogatory. Officials and interested persons may be present if the requested Party consents.

Article 5

1. Any Contracting Party may, by a declaration addressed to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, when signing this Convention or depositing its instrument of ratification or accession, reserve the right to make the execution of letters rogatory for search or seizure of property dependent on one or more of the following conditions:
a) that the offence motivating the letters rogatory is punishable under both the law of the requesting Party and the law of

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