ты послать сообщение Генеральному Секретарю Лиги наций, извещающее его о положении дела с ратификацией.
Если 1 ноября 1932 года не будут выполнены условия, предусмотренные первым абзацем статьи 15 для вступления в силу Конвенции, Генеральный секретарь Лиги Наций созовет собрание членов Лиги Наций и государств не членов Лиги Наций, подписавших Конвенцию или присоединившихся к ней.
Это собрание будет иметь целью рассмотрение положения и мер, которые надлежит принять, в случае надобности, в связи с этим.
Высокие Договаривающиеся Стороны взаимно сообщают друг другу с момента вступления их в силу законодательные постановления, которые они введут на своих подлежащих территориях во исполнение Конвенции.
В удостоверение чего уполномоченные подписали настоящий Протокол.
Совершено в г. Женеве седьмого июня тысяча девятьсот тридцатого года в единственном экземпляре, который будет сдан на хранение в архивы Секретариата Лиги Наций; заверенная копия его будет передана всем членам Лиги Наций и всем государствам не членам Лиги Наций, представленным на Конференции.
(Geneva, 7.VI.1930)
Article 1
The High Contracting Parties mutually undertake to apply, for the settlement of the conflicts of law hereinafter mentioned, in connection with bills of exchange and promissory notes, the rules set out in the following articles.
Article 2
The capacity of a person to bind himself by a bill of exchange or promissory note shall be determined by his national law. If this national law provides that the law of another country is competent in the matter, this latter law shall be applied.
A person who lacks capacity, according to the law specified in the preceding paragraph, is nevertheless bound, if his signature has been given in any territory in which according to the law in force there, he would have the requisite capacity.
Each of the High Contracting Parties may refuse to recognise the validity of a contract by means of a bill of exchange or promissory note entered into by one of its nationals which would not be deemed valid in the territory of the other High Contracting Parties otherwise than by means of the application of the preceding paragraph of the present article.
Article 3
The form of any contract arising out of a bill of exchange or promissory note ies regulated by the laws of the territory in which the contract has been signed.
If, however, the obligations entered into by means of a bill of exchange or promissory note are not valid according to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, but are in conformity with the laws of the territory in which a subsequent contract has been entered into, the circumstance that the previous contracts are irregular in form does not invalidate the subsequent contract.
Each of the High Contracting Parties may prescribe that contracts by means of a bill of exchange and promissory note entered into abroad by one of its nationals shall be valid in respect of another of its nationals in its territory, provided that they are in the form laid down by the national law.
Article 4
The effects of the obligations of the acceptor of a bill of exchange or maker of a promissory note are determined by the law of the place in which these instruments are payable.
The effects of the signatures of the other parties liable on a bill of exchange or promissory note are determined by the law of the country in which
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