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«Статус Конвенции о контактах, связанных с детьми (ETS N 192) (Страсбург, 15 мая 2003 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 25.01.2011)

he preceding statement concerns Article(s): 18
Declaration contained in a Note Verbale from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Albania, dated 13 May 2005, deposited with the instrument of ratification, on 27 May 2005 - Or. Engl.
In accordance with Article 11, paragraph 1, of the Convention, the Republic of Albania appoints the Ministry of Justice as central authority to carry out the functions provided for by this Convention. The address is as following:
Ministry of Justice
Bulevardi "Zogu I" Tirane
Period covered: 1/9/2005 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 11

Declaration contained in the instrument of ratification deposited on 5 February 2009 - Or. Engl.
The Republic of Croatia declares that the central authority for the implementation of the Convention, designated in accordance with Article 11, paragraph 1, of the Convention, is the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Directorate for Social Welfare, Ksaver 200a, Zagreb.
Period covered: 1/6/2009 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 11

Czech Republic:
Declaration contained in a Note Verbale deposited with the instrument of ratification, on 27 September 2004 - Or. Engl., updated by a Note verbale from the Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic, dated and registered at the Secretariat General on 11 December 2009 - Or. Engl.
The Czech Republic declares that the central authority designated in the Czech Republic under Article 11, paragraph 1, of the Convention on Contact concerning Children is:
.Office for International Legal Protection of Children
(Urad pro mezinarodnepravni ochranu deti)
Silingrovo namesti 3/4
602 00 Brno
Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 542 215 522, +420 542 215 443
Fax: +420 542 212 836, +420 542 217 900
Email: podatelna@umpod.cz
Period covered: 1/9/2005 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 11

Declaration made at the time of signature of the instrument, on 15 May 2003 - Or. Fr.
Portugal declares that it signs the Convention on Contact concerning Children to the extent that it falls within its national competence.
Period covered: 1/9/2005 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): -

Declaration contained in a letter from the Permanent Representative of Romania, dated 9 March 2009, registered at the Secretariat General on 11 March 2009 - Or. Engl., updated by a letter from the Permanent Representative of Romania, dated 21 January 2010, registered at the Secretariat General on 22 January 2010 - Or. Engl.
Pursuant to Article 11 of the Convention, Romania declares that the name and address of the central authority in Romania designated to carry out the functions provided for by this Convention in cases of transfrontier contact have been updated as follows:
a) English language:
Ministry of Justice
Department of International Law and Treaties
Unit of judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters
Strada Apollodor 17
Sector 5 Bucuresti, Cod 050741
Tel.: +40.37204.1077; +40.37204.1078 (Cabinet Director)
Tel.: +40.37204.1083; +40.37204.1217; +40.37204.1218
Fax: +40.37204.1079
Internet: www.just.ro; Email: ddit@just.ro
Contact person: Viviana ONACA Ph.d, Director, RO, EN and FR
b) French language:
Ministere de la Justice
Direction du Droit International et des Traites
Bureau de Cooperation Internationale en matiere civil et commerciale
Strada Apollodor 17
Sector 5 Bucuresti, Cod 050741
Tel.: +40.37204.1077; +40.37204.1078 (Cabinet du Direc

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