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«Статус Европейской конвенции о гражданстве (ETS N 166) (Страсбург, 6 ноября 1997 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 25.01.2011)

naturalisation) he was not a refugee as defined in the Convention of 28th July 1951 or the Protocol relating to the legal Status of Refugees of 31st January 1967, and
4. despite the acquisition of its nationality he has retained a foreign nationality for reasons he is accountable for.
Period covered: 1/3/2000 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 7
Reservation contained in the instrument of ratification deposited on 17 September 1998 - Or. Engl./Fr./Germ.
Austria declares to retain the right to deprive a national of its nationality, if such person, being in the service of a foreign State, conducts himself in a manner seriously prejudicial to the interests or the reputation of the Republic of Austria.
Period covered: 1/3/2000 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 7
Reservation contained in the instrument of ratification deposited on 17 September 1998 - Or. Engl./Fr./Germ.
Concerning Article 7 in conjunction with Article 7, paragraph 1, lit (c), Austria declares to retain the right to deprive a national of its nationality, if such person voluntarily enters the military service of a foreign State.
Period covered: 1/3/2000 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 7
Reservation contained in the instrument of ratification deposited on 17 September 1998 - Or. Engl./Fr./Germ.
Concerning Article 7 in conjunction with Article 7, paragraph 1, lit (f), Austria declares to retain the right to deprive a national of its nationality whenever it has been ascertained that the conditions leading to the acquisition of nationality ex lege, as defined by its internal law, are not fulfilled any more.
Period covered: 1/3/2000 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 7
Reservation contained in the instrument of ratification deposited on 17 September 1998 - Or. Engl./Fr./Germ.
Concerning Article 8, paragraph 1, Austria declares to retain the right of permitting renunciation of its nationality by a national only in the case that:
1. the national possesses a foreign nationality;
2. no criminal procedure or execution of a criminal sentence is pending in Austria for an offence punishable with more than six months of imprisonment;
3. in the case of the national, being a male person, he is not a member of the Federal Armed Forces and:
a. has not yet passed the age of sixteen or has already passed the age of thirty-six;
b. has fulfilled his regular military or civilian service obligations;
c. has been found unfit for military service by the Recruiting Commission or has been declared permanently unfit for any kind of civilian service by the competent administrative physician;
d. has been dispensed from recruitment to the Federal army for reasons of mental illness or mental disorder, or
e. has fulfilled the military obligations, or in their place service obligations in another State of which he is a national and is therefore dispensed from regular military or civilian service on the basis of a bilateral agreement or an international convention.
The conditions listed under sub-paragraphs 2 and 3 do not apply if the person renouncing his nationality has had his ordinary residence outside the territory of the Republic for a continuous period of not less than five years.
Period covered: 1/3/2000 -
The preceding statement concerns Article(s): 8
Reservation contained in the instrument of ratification deposited on 17 September 1998 - Or. Engl./Fr./Germ.
Concerning Article 22, lit (a), Austria declares to retain the right that a person who has been exempted from his military obligations in relation to one State Party is not deemed having fulfilled his military obligation in relation to the Republic of Austria.
Period covered: 1/3/2000

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