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Постановление Европейского суда по правам человека от 21.10.2010 «Дело Салиев (Saliyev) против России» [англ.]

shares. [In that advertisement Kolymaenergo] described in great detail the conditions and procedure for the issue of the shares, including the distribution of the shares amongst prospective buyers in the first priority group and the second priority group, explained how to formulate a request for acquisition of shares, and, naturally, indicated the bank account into which payments for the shares should be made. The payments were supposed to go through a commercial bank situated in Krasnodar [a city in southern Russia]. In other words, a reputable firm got involved, and, as a consequence, the business was put on a solid footing. At least, that was the appearance that the sponsors of the project wanted to create for those who they hoped would "swallow the bait" and, under the influence of the very promising advert - published, by the way, in all the mass media of the Magadan Region - would be prepared to play for high stakes.
At the local level the preparations had started long before the publication of the advert. First of all, the issuer (the corporation issuing the securities) took care to develop convincing arguments which would help to get support for their project from public officials. On 29 April 1999 a consultation meeting took place in the office of the head of the Yagodninskiy District [of Magadan Region], where the question of payment of the local taxes due by Kolymaenergo Plc was discussed. It was no accident that that question was on the agenda of the meeting: by that time the outstanding fiscal debt of the energy industry [vis-a-vis the local authorities], including the carryovers from previous years, amounted to 228,700,000 roubles - a very significant amount for the District [budget]. As a result of the discussion an agreement was reached which provided, in particular, that (direct quote) "the administration of the Yagodninskiy District discharges Kolymaenergo Plc from the payment of 228,700,000 roubles in local taxes. In return, Kolymaenergo Plc transfers [to the administration] its shares worth 228,700,000 roubles, at the market rate applicable at the moment of the transfer". Both parties signed the minutes of the meeting containing that clause. Naturally, among the signatures were those of Mr F.I.T., the head of the local administration, and Mr G.I.S., the managing director of Kolymaenergo. Some time later Mr. G.I.S. made a similar proposal - "shares in exchange for taxes" - to the financial department of the administration of the Magadan Region and to the mayor's office of Magadan.
The plot thickens. At the beginning of November 1999 the Duma of the Magadan Region adopted the Law on investment in the construction of the Ust-Srednekanskaya HydroElectric Power Plant (HEPP). Almost certainly, everyone has heard about the problems with the financing of that "never-ending construction project", so the desire of the lawmakers to use every opportunity to get the extra funding is quite understandable. As a result, in the new law, driven by the best aspirations, they stipulated that "...in order to complete the construction of the Ust-Srednekanskaya HEPP plant, which is one of the most important elements in the fuel and energy system of the Magadan Region... Kolymaenergo Plc may dispose of the fees as a registered member of the special economic zone, due for the period until 31 December 2002, which were earmarked for the special-purpose extra-budgetary fund for social development in the Magadan Region.
Those fees should be considered as a capital investment in the main capital of Kolymaenergo Plc, in particular to pay for the construction costs of the Ust-Srednekanskaya HEPP, on condition that a corresponding part of the shares is registered as the property of the Magadan Administration" (end of quote). That law was enacted on 3 November 1999.
...But it ended up the same as always
As the saying goes, "everything looked smooth on paper, but they forgot that in rea

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