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Постановление Европейского суда по правам человека от 30.09.2010 «Дело Пахомов (Pakhomov) против России» [англ.]

B control in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and in most of Russia in the 1990s was heavily centralized, with separate hospitals (TB dispensaries), TB sanatoriums, TB research institutes and TB specialists. The system was designed in the 1920s to address the challenges of the TB epidemic. Case detection relied strongly on active mass screening by X-ray (phluorography). Specificity, sensitivity, and cost-effectiveness considerations were not features of this approach. Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) immunization was a key feature of the TB...
By 2000, there was more than a two-fold increase in TB incidence, and mortality from TB increased 3 times, compared with 1990. The lowered treatment effectiveness of the recent years resulted into an increase in the number of TB chronic patients, creating a permanent "breeding ground" for the infection. At that moment, the share of pulmonary TB cases confirmed by bacterioscopy did not exceed 25%, and the share of such cases confirmed by culture testing was no more than 41% due to suboptimal effectiveness of laboratory diagnosis, which led to poor detection of smear-positive TB cases. Being a social disease, TB affected the most socially and economically marginalized populations in Russia."

D. General guidelines for tuberculosis therapy

49. The following are the extracts from Treatment of Tuberculosis: Guidelines for National Programmes, World Health Organisation, 1997, pp. 27, 33 and 41:
"Previously treated patients may have acquired drug resistance. They are more likely than new patients to harbour and excrete bacilli resistant to at least isoniazid. The re-treatment regimen consists of initially 5 drugs, with 3 drugs in the continuation phase. The patient receives at least 2 drugs in the initial phase which are still effective. This reduces the risk of selecting further resistant bacilli...
Patients with sputum smear-positive pulmonary TB should be monitored by sputum smear examination. This is the only group of TB patients for whom bacteriological monitoring is possible. It is unnecessary and wasteful of resources to monitor the patient by chest radiography. For patients with sputum smear-negative pulmonary TB and extra-pulmonary TB, clinical monitoring is the usual way of assessing response to treatment. Under programme conditions in high TB incidence countries, routine monitoring by sputum culture is not feasible or recommended. Where facilities are available, culture surveys can be useful as part of quality control of diagnosis by smear microscopy...
Directly observed treatment is one element of the DOTS strategy, i.e. the WHO recommended policy package for TB control. Direct observation of treatment means that a supervisor watches the patient swallowing the tablets. This ensures that a TB patient takes the right drugs, in the right doses, at the right intervals...
Many patients receiving self-administered treatment will not adhere to treatment. It is impossible to predict who will or will not comply, therefore directly observed treatment is necessary at least in the initial phase to ensure adherence. If a TB patient misses one attendance to receive treatment, it is necessary to find that patient and continue treatment."
50. In the fourth edition of the Guidelines, published in 2009, the WHO recommended as follows:
"DST [a drug susceptibility testing] before or at the start of therapy is strongly recommended for all previously treated persons." (p. 11)


I. Preliminary considerations

51. The Court observes at the outset that in his application to the Court the applicant complained that the criminal proceedings leading to his conviction for drug trafficking were unfair. In a subsequent letter received by the Court on 9 June 2009 he successfully requested the Court to treat his applicatio

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