¦04.06.1992¦18.08.1994 ¦
¦Фиджи ¦09.10.1992¦25.02.1993 ¦
¦Филиппины ¦12.06.1992¦02.08.1994 ¦
¦Финляндия ¦04.06.1992¦03.05.1994 A ¦
¦Франция ¦13.06.1992¦25.03.1994 ¦
¦Хорватия ¦11.06.1992¦08.04.1996 A ¦
¦Центральноафриканская Республика ¦13.06.1992¦10.03.1995 ¦
¦Чад ¦12.06.1992¦07.06.1994 ¦
¦Черногория <4> ¦ ¦23.10.2006 d ¦
¦Чешская Республика ¦18.06.1993¦07.10.1993 AA ¦
¦Чили ¦13.06.1992¦22.12.1994 ¦
¦Швейцария ¦12.06.1992¦10.12.1993 ¦
¦Швеция ¦08.06.1992¦23.06.1993 ¦
¦Шри-Ланка ¦10.06.1992¦23.11.1993 ¦
¦Эквадор ¦09.06.1992¦23.02.1993 ¦
¦Экваториальная Гвинея ¦ ¦16.08.2000 a ¦
¦Эритрея ¦ ¦24.04.1995 a ¦
¦Эстония ¦12.06.1992¦27.07.1994 ¦
¦Эфиопия ¦10.06.1992¦05.04.1994 ¦
¦Южная Африка ¦15.06.1993¦29.08.1997 ¦
¦Ямайка ¦12.06.1992¦06.01.1995 ¦
¦Япония ¦13.06.1992¦28.05.1993 A ¦
New York, 9 May 1992
Status as at: 28-09-2010
Entry into force: 21 March 1994, in accordance with article 23(1)
Registration: 21 March 1994, No. 30822
Status: Signatories: 165. Parties:. 194 <1>
Text: United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1771, p. 107; and depositary notifications C.N.148.1993.TREATIES-4 of 12 July 1993 (proces-verbal of rectification of the original texts of the Convention); C.N.436.1993.TREATIES-12 of 15 December 1993 (corrigendum to C.N.148.1993.TREATIES-4 of 12 July 1993); C.N.247.1993.TREATIES-6 of 24 November 1993 (proces-verbal of rectification of the authentic French text); C.N.462.1993.TREATIES-13 of 30 December 1993 (corrigendum to C.N.247.1993.TREATIES-6 of 24 November 1993); C.N.544.1997.TREATIES-6 of 13 February 1997 (amendment to the list in annex I to the Convention); and C.N.1478.2001.TREATIES-2 of 28 December 2001 (amendment to the list in annex II to the Convention); C.N.237.2010.TREATIES-2 of 26 April 2010 (adoption of amendment to the list in the Annex I to the Convention).
Note: The Convention was agreed upon and adopted by the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for a Framework Convention on Climate Change, during its Fifth session, second part, held at New York from 30 April to 9 May 1992. In accordance with its article 20, the Convention was open for signature by States Members of the United Nations or of any of its specialized agencies or that are Parties to the Statute of the International Court of Justice and by regional economic integration organizations, at Rio de Janeiro during the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, from 4 to 14 June 1992, and remained thereafter open at the United Nations Headquarters in New York until 19 June 1993.
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