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«Статус Конвенции об открытом море (Женева, 29 апреля 1958 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 28.09.2010)

of an Act which were promulgated before January 1, 1961, has become Act, which Article word by word is as follows:
Article 1:
"1. The Indonesian Waters consist of the territorial sea and the internal waters of Indonesia.
"2. The Indonesian territorial sea is a maritime belt of a width of twelve nautical miles, the outer limit of which is measured perpendicular to the baselines or points on the baselines which consist of straight lines connecting the outermost point on the low water mark of the outermost islands or part of such islands comprising Indonesian territory with the provision that in case of straits of a width of not more than twenty-four nautical miles and Indonesia is not the only coastal state the outer limit of the Indonesian territorial sea shall be drawn at the middle of the strait.
"3. The Indonesian internal waters are all waters lying within the baselines mentioned in paragraph 2.
"4. One nautical mile is sixty to one degree of latitude."

Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Upon signature:
Article 2: With respect to the words "no State may validly purport to subject any part of them to its sovereignty", it shall be understood that this prohibition does not apply to the continental shelf, which is governed by article 2 of the Convention on the Continental Shelf.
Articles 2, 3 and 4: The Iranian Government maintains the objection on the ground of excess of competence, expressed by its delegation at the twelfth plenary meeting of the Conference on the Law of the Sea on 24 April 1958, to the articles recommended by the Fifth Committee of the Conference and incorporated in the afore-mentioned articles of the Convention on the High Seas. The Iranian Government accordingly reserves all rights regarding the contents of these articles in so far as they relate to countries having no sea coast.
Article 2(3) - article 26, paragraphs 1 and 2: Application of the provisions of these articles relating to the laying of submarine cables and pipelines shall be subject to the authorization of the coastal State, in so far as the continental shelf is concerned.

Article 9: The Government of Mexico enters an express reservation with regard to article 9, since it considers that government ships, irrespective of the use to which they are put, enjoy immunity; it therefore does not accept the limitation imposed in the article in question, which provides that only ships owned or operated by a State and used only on government non-commercial service shall have immunity from the jurisdiction of other States on the high seas.

Mongolia <8>
a) ...
b) Subject to the following declaration in respect of article 15:
The Government of the Mongolian People's Republic considers that the definition of piracy given in article 15 of the Convention does not cover acts which under contemporary international law should be regarded as acts of piracy and thus does not adequately reflect the requirements that must be fulfilled in order to fully ensure freedom of navigation on international waterways.

Article 9: "The Government of the Polish People's Republic considers that the rule expressed in article 9 applies to all ships owned or operated by a State."
"The Government of the Polish People's Republic considers that the definition of piracy as contained in the Convention does not fully correspond with the present state of international law in this respect."

Article 9: The Government of the Romanian People's Republic considers that the principle of international law according to which a ship on the high seas is not subject to any jurisdiction except that of the flag State applies to all government ships regardless of th

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