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«Статус Конвенции об открытом море (Женева, 29 апреля 1958 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 28.09.2010)

as done at Geneva on 29 April 1958."
31 January 1968
"The Government of Australia places on record the formal objection to the reservation made by the Government of Mexico."
29 September 1976
"Objection of the Australian Government to the reservation by the German Democratic Republic concerning article 9 of the Convention on the High Seas, 1958, and contained in the instrument of accession of the German Democratic Republic to that Convention."

Denmark "The Government of Denmark declares that it does not find acceptable:
"The reservations made by the Governments of Albania, Bulgaria, the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Mexico, Poland, Romania, the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to article 9;
"The reservation made by the Government of Iran to article 26, paragraphs 1 and 2;
"The reservation made by the Government of Indonesia regarding the interpretation of the terms "territorial sea" and "internal waters";
"The above-mentioned objections shall not affect the coming into force of the Convention, according to article 34, as between Denmark and the Contracting Parties concerned."
31 October 1974
"The Government of Denmark does not find acceptable the reservation made by the German Democratic Republic on December 27, 1973 to article 20 of the Convention on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone.
"The Government of Denmark also finds unacceptable the reservation made by the German Democratic Republic on the same date to article 9 of the Convention on the High Seas.
"The above-mentioned objections shall not affect the coming into force of the Conventions as between Denmark and the German Democratic Republic."

Fiji "The Government of Fiji declares that it withdraws the observations made by the United Kingdom with respect to the reservation made on ratification of the Convention by the Government of Indonesia and substitutes therefore the following observation:
"With respect to the reservation made by the Government of Indonesia on ratification of the above-mentioned Convention on the High Seas, the Government of Fiji states that it considers that the extent of Indonesian national waters referred to therein is subject to the rule of international law that, where the establishment of a straight baseline has the effect of enclosing as internal waters areas which previously had been considered as part of the high seas, a right of innocent passage shall exist in those waters, subject to the regulations of the national authorities respecting police, customs, quarantine and control of pollution, and without prejudice to the exclusive right of such authorities in respect of the exploration and exploitation of the natural resources of such waters and of the subjacent seabed and subsoil.
"Furthermore, the Government of Fiji maintains all other objections communicated to the Secretary-General by the United Kingdom Government to the reservations or declarations made by certain States with respect to this Convention, reserving only its position on that Government's observations bearing on the application of the Optional Protocol of Signature pending final disposition of the question of the succession by the Government of Fiji to the said Protocol."

Germany <5>
15 July 1974
"The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany considers the following reservations to be inconsistent with the aims and purposes of the Convention of 29 April 1958 on the High Seas and therefore to be unacceptable:
"1. The reservation made to the Convention by the Government of Indonesia;
"2. The reservation declared at signature of the Convention by the Government of Iran to articles 2, 3 and 4 and to article 2,

> 1 2 3 ... 7 8 9 10 ... 11 12


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