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<Статус Венской конвенции о дипломатических сношениях (Вена, 18 апреля 1961 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 16.09.2010)

ervation made by the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on its accession to the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, since that reservation is contrary to one of the most important provisions of the Convention, namely, that the diplomatic bag shall not be opened or detained."
6 October 1986
The Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics does not recognize as valid the reservations of the Government of Qatar with respect to article 27, paragraph 3 and article 37, paragraph 2 of the 1961 Convention on Diplomatic Relations. The Government of the USSR considers that the reservations in question are illegal, since they conflict with the purposes of the Convention.
6 November 1986
The Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics does not recognize as lawful the reservations of the Government of Yemen with respect to articles 27, 36 and 37 of the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, since those reservations conflict with the purposes of the Convention.

Saudi Arabia <17>
1. If the authorities of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia suspect that the diplomatic pouch or any parcel therein contains matters which may not be sent through the diplomatic pouch, such authorities may request the opening of the parcel in their presence and in the presence of a representative appointed by the diplomatic mission concerned. If such request is rejected, the pouch or parcel shall be returned back.
2. Accession to this Convention shall not constitute a recognition of Israel or lead to any kind of intercourse with it or the establishment of any relations with Israel under the Convention.

Sudan <17>
"The diplomatic immunities and privileges provided for in article 37 paragraph 2 of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961, recognized and admitted in customary law and in the practice of States in favour of heads of missions and members of diplomatic staff of the mission, cannot be granted by the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Sudan for other categories of mission staff except on the basis of reciprocity."
"The Government of the Democratic Republic of the Sudan reserves the right to interpret article 38 as not granting to a diplomatic agent who is a national of or permanent resident in the Sudan any immunity from jurisdiction, and inviolability, even though the acts complained of are official acts performed by the said diplomatic agent in the exercise of his functions."
"The Government of the Democratic Republic of the Sudan understands that its ratification of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961 does not imply whatsoever recognition of Israel or entering with it into relations governed by the said Convention."

Syrian Arab Republic <17>, <24>
15 March 1979
1. The Syrian Arab Republic does not recognize Israel and will not enter into dealings with it.
2. The Optional Protocol Concerning the Compulsory Settlement of Disputes does not enter into force for the Syrian Arab Republic.
3. The exemption provided for in article 36, paragraph 1, shall not apply to the administrative and technical staff of the mission except during the first six months following their arrival in the receiving State.

Reservation concerning article 11, paragraph 1:
In accordance with the principle of the equality of rights of States, the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic considers that any difference of opinion regarding the size of a diplomatic mission should be settled by agreement between the sending State and the receiving State.
Declaration concerning articles 48 and 50:
The Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic considers it necessary to draw attention to the discrimi

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