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<Статус Устава Организации ООН по промышленному развитию (Вена, 8 апреля 1979 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 16.09.2010)


(Unless otherwise indicated, the declarations
and reservations were made upon ratification, accession,
acceptance or approval.)

Australia <1>
12 April 1982
"In accordance with section 43 of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies, UNIDO will be accorded the same privileges and immunities as are accorded by Australia to other specialized agencies.
"Until the Constitution enters into force the Government of Australia will continue to accord to UNIDO the privileges and immunities in accordance with the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 13 February 1946."

Belarus <11>
In ratifying the Constitution of UNIDO, the Byelorussian SSR assumes that the agreements on the condition for the establishment of UNIDO as specialized agency that were con firmed in General Assembly resolution 39/231 of 18 December 1984 will be fully and strictly observed, including the agreement on the equitable geographical distribution of posts and, in particular, the allocation of one of the posts of Deputy Director-General to the socialist countries. Fulfilment of those conditions will make it possible to ensure the universal character of UNIDO's activities in the interests of all its member countries.
The determination of the members of UNIDO, as expressed in the Organization's Constitution, to contribute to international peace and security and to the prosperity of all nations should be reflected in its decisions and its practical activities, since only under conditions of peace, and only when real disarmament measures are implemented, can significant additional resources be released for the needs of economic and social development, including the industrialization of the developing countries.
In [the Government of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic's] view, UNIDO activities aimed at promoting industrial development in the developing countries and at those countries' attainment of economic independence must be based on the progressive provisions and principles of the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States, the Declaration on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order and the Lima and New Delhi Declarations on international industrial development co-operation. Those goals can be achieved only by means of a fundamental restructuring of the existing unjust international economic relations, the conduct of progressive social and economic reforms, the strengthening of the State sector of the economy and the implementation of national plans and programmes for social and economic development.
UNIDO must oppose the policies of those States that are striving not only to maintain but also to increase the neo-colonialist exploitation of the developing countries, must combat the acts of economic aggression, diktat, blackmail and interference in the internal affairs of States that are perpetrated by the forces of imperialism, and must promote the establishment of effective control over the activities of transnational corporations with a view to restricting their negative influence on the economies of developing countries and on international economic relations and development as a whole.
The Byelorussian SSR bases its position on the need to apply consistently in practice the provision of the UNIDO Constitution that relates to the purposes for which the regular and operational budgets of the Organization may be utilized, and on the need not to permit the expenditure of resources for programmes and projects, including "advisory services", that could serve for the pe

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