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<Статус Конвенции против транснациональной организованной преступности (Нью-Йорк, 15 ноября 2000 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 16.09.2010)

paragraph 1 (a) (i) of Article 5 of the Convention.
Article 16
Pursuant to paragraph 5 of Article 16 of the Convention the Republic of Armenia declares that it will take the Convention as the legal basis for cooperation on extradition with other States Parties to the Convention.
However, at the same time the Republic of Armenia declares that it shall apply the Convention in relations with the States Parties of the European Convention on Extradition, done at Paris, on 13th day of December 1957, provided that the Convention supplements and facilitates the application of the provisions of the European Convention on Extradition.
Article 18
Pursuant to paragraph 13 of Article 18 of the Convention the Republic of Armenia designates the following central authorities to receive the requests for mutual legal assistance:
a/ in respect of the cases of pretrial investigation phase
- the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Armenia
b/ in respect of the cases of court proceedings phase or connected with the implementation of the judgment
- the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia.
Pursuant to paragraph 14 Article 18 of the Convention the Republic of Armenia declares that the acceptable languages are Armenian, English or Russian."

2 July 2004
Australia has the additional honour to note that, under article 5 (3) of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime, Australia is required to inform the Secretary General of the United Nations if its law operates in a way that is covered by the paragraph. In accordance with that obligation, the Permanent Mission of Australia is pleased to advise that Australia's law does require an act of furtherance of the Agreement for the conspiracy offence to be made out.
The Permanent Mission of Australia is also pleased to advise that the appropriate Australian authority to contact for the purposes of articles 18 and 31 of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime is:
The Attorney-General's Department
(Assistant Secretary, International Crime Branch)
Robert Garran Offices
National Circuit
Australia further notes that Australia is not required to make a notification under article 16 (5) of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime as Australian extradition law does not operate in the manner covered by this article."

"In accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 16 of the Convention, the Republic of Azerbaijan declares that it will use the Convention as the legal basis for cooperation on extradition with other States-Parties to the Convention.
In accordance with paragraph 13 of Article 18 of the Convention, the Republic of Azerbaijan declares that the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan is designated as the central authority that shall have the responsibility and power to receive requests for mutual legal assistance and either to execute them or to transmit them to the competent authorities for execution.
In accordance with paragraph 14 of Article 18 of the Convention, the Republic of Azerbaijan declares that the requests and supporting documents should be submitted in Russian or English as the UN official languages, and should be accompanied by a translation in Azeri.
In accordance with paragraph 6 of Article 31 of the Convention, the Republic of Azerbaijan declares that the following authority can assist other States Parties in developing measures to prevent transnational organized crime:
Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan H. Hajiev st. 7, Baky, Azerbaijan."

"In accordance with Article 16 paragraph

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