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<Статус Конвенции против транснациональной организованной преступности (Нью-Йорк, 15 ноября 2000 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 16.09.2010)

icles 9 and 10 of the act dated 10 March 1927 on extradition and is applicable to any form of mutual legal assistance.
- Under article 9 of that act, requests for extradition should be addressed to the Government of Burkina Faso through the diplomatic channel;
- Article 10 of the act stipulates that, "after documentary verification, the request for extradition shall be transmitted, with the supporting documents, by the Minister for Foreign Affairs to the Minister of Justice, who shall ensure that the request is in order and shall take such action as is required under law";
- Thus, the principle is that the Minister for Foreign Affairs serves as the intermediary for transmission of the request for mutual legal assistance sent through the diplomatic channel, while the Minister of Justice is the authority empowered to receive and execute the request.
It should be mentioned that agreements on judicial cooperation intended to simplify procedures between the States parties, often provide for a waiver of this principle by allowing for direct transmittal of the request for mutual legal assistance from the competent judicial authority of the requesting State to that of the requested State.
IV. Language acceptable for requesting mutual legal assistance
In accordance with the provisions of article 35, paragraph 1, of the Constitution, the official language of Burkina Faso is French. For that reason, the language acceptable for official documents addressed to the Government, including requests for mutual legal assistance, is French.

The Republic of Chile, in accordance with paragraph 3 of article 5 of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, hereby gives notification that under the Chilean legal system involvement of an organized criminal group is required for purposes of the offences established in accordance with paragraph 1(a)(i) of article 5.
Moreover, in accordance with paragraph 6 of article 31 of the Convention, it hereby designates the Ministry of the Interior, with address at the Palacio de la Moneda, Santiago, Chile, as the national authority that can assist other States parties in developing measures to prevent transnational organized crime.
Furthermore, in accordance with paragraph 13 of article 18, it hereby designates the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as the central authority for purposes of receiving requests for mutual legal assistance, further specifying in accordance with paragraph 14 of that article that for purposes of such requests the language acceptable to Chile is Spanish.

29 March 2006
"In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 13 of Article 18 of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China are designated as the central authorities that have the responsibility and power to receive requests for legal assistance. The address of the Ministry of Justice is: 10 Chaoyangmen Nandajie, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China, 100020; and the address of the Ministry of Public Security is: 14 Dong Chang'anjie, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China, 100741.
In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 14 of Article 18 of the Convention, Chinese is the only language acceptable to the People's Republic of China for the written requests for legal assistance."
3 June 2008
"1. Regarding paragraph 3 of Article 5 of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, pursuant to the criminal law of China, a person commits a crime if he/she participates in terrorist group(s) or in organization(s) in the nature of criminal syndicate. Constitution of such crime doesn't require that he/she commits a specific criminal activity. With regard to participation in other orga

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