Email: info@interior.gov.pk"
In that connection, I have the honour to inform you that requests to the Republic of Panama for legal assistance pursuant to article 18, paragraph 13, of the Convention must be made through the diplomatic channel.
13 December 2004
1. In accordance with article 5 (3) of the aforementioned Convention, the domestic law of the Republic of Panama does not require the involvement of an organized criminal group for purposes of the offences established in accordance with paragraph 1 (a) (i) of the aforementioned article. Similarly, the domestic law of the Republic of Panama requires an act in furtherance of the agreement for purposes of the offences established in accordance with paragraph 1 (a) (i) of the aforementioned article.
2. In accordance with article 16 (5) (a), the Republic of Panama will take the Convention as the legal basis for cooperation on extradition with other States Parties to the Convention.
3. In accordance with article 18 (14), the acceptable languages for requests for judicial assistance addressed to the Republic of Panama are Spanish and English.
4. In accordance with article 31 (6), the authority or authorities that can assist other States Parties in developing measures to prevent transnational organized crime are:
National Police
Address: Corregimiento de Ancon
Telephone: (507) 227-1801, (507) 232-5756,
(507) 232-5898 Fax: (507) 5757
Criminal Investigation Department
Address: Edificio Ancon, Avenida Frangipani, frente
al Mercado de Abasto
Telephone: (507) 212-2223
Fax: (507) 212-2400
Public Security and National Defence Council
Address: San Felipe, frente a la Presidencia de la Republica
Telephone: (507) 227-9871
Fax: (507) 225-1355
23 February 2007
The Government of the Republic of Panama, in accordance with the provisions of article 18 (13) of the said Convention, designates the State Attorney General as the central authority having the responsibility and power to receive requests for mutual legal assistance and her to execute them or to transmit them to the competent authorities for execution.
Article 16, paragraph 5 (a):
..., in accordance with article 16, paragraph 5 (a) of the Convention, I hereby inform you that the Republic of Paraguay will take the aforementioned Convention as the legal basis for cooperation on extradition with other States Parties to the Convention.
Article 18, paragraph 13:..., in accordance with article 18, paragraph 13, of the Convention, I hereby notify you that the Republic of Paraguay has designated the following institution as its central authority:
Central authority: Office of the Public Prosecutor
Department responsible: Department of International Affairs and External Legal Assistance
Director: Juan Emilio Oviedo Cabanas, lawyer
Address: Nuestra Senora de la Asuncion 737 entre Victor Haedo y Humaita
Telephone: 595-21-4155000 extensions 162 and 157; 595-21-4155100; 595-21-454603
e-mail: jeoviedo@ministeriopublico.gov.py
Pursuant to article 18, paragraph 13 the Republic of Poland declares that the Ministry of Justice is designated as the central authority competent to receive requests for mutual legal assistance.
The Republic of Poland declares that Polish and English shall be the languages acceptable pursuant to article 18, paragraph 14.
26 June 2009
Notification under article 31 (6):
National Prosecutor's Office; Bureau for Organized Crime
Address: ul. Barska 28/30
02-315 Warsaw, Poland
Tel.: 00 48 22 31 89 700
Fax: 00 48 22 31 89 701."
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