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<Статус Международной конвенции о борьбе с бомбовым терроризмом (Нью-Йорк, 15 декабря 1997 года)» [рус., англ.] (по состоянию на 16.09.2010)

but produce effects or are claimed to produce effects in the national territory (art. 6, para. (d)).

The Principality declares that, in accordance with the provisions of article 6, paragraph 3, of the International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings, it establishes its jurisdiction over the acts recognized as offences within the meaning of article 2 of the Convention, in the cases set forth in article 6, paragraphs 1 and 2, of the Convention.

..., by virtue of the provisions of article 6, paragraph 3, of the aforementioned Convention, the Republic of Paraguay has established its jurisdiction in accordance with its domestic legislation, under article 6, paragraph 2, of the Convention.

16 January 2002
"Pursuant to article 6 (3) of the International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings, Portugal declares that in accordance with article 5 (1) (a) of the Penal Code, Portuguese courts will have jurisdiction against the crimes of terrorism and of terrorist organisations, set forth respectively in article 300 and 301 of the same Code, wherever the place they have been committed, thus covering, in connection with the said crimes, the cases set forth in article 6 (2) of the Convention."

Republic of Korea
7 July 2004
Pursuant to Article 6, Paragraph 3 of the International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings,
The Republic of Korea provides the following information on its criminal jurisdiction. Principles on the criminal jurisdiction are set out in the Chapter I of Part I of the Korean Penal Code. The provisions have the following wording:
Article 2 (Domestic Crimes) This Code shall apply to anyone, whether Korean or alien, who commits a crime within the territorial boundary of the Republic of Korea.
Article 3 (Crimes by Koreans outside Korea)
This Code shall apply to a Korean national who commits a crime outside the territorial boundary of the Republic of Korea.
Article 4 (Crimes by Aliens on board Korean Vessel, etc., outside Korea)
This Code shall apply to an alien who commits a crime on board a Korean vessel or a Korean aircraft outside the territorial boundary of the Republic of Korea.
Article 5 (Crimes by Aliens outside Korea)
This Code shall apply to an alien who commits any of the following crimes outside the territorial boundary of the Republic of Korea:
1. Crimes concerning insurrection;
2. Crimes concerning treason;
3. Crimes concerning the national flag;
4. Crimes concerning currency;
5. Crimes concerning securities, postage and revenue stamps;
6. Crimes specified in Articles 225 through 230 among crimes concerning documents; and
7. Crimes specified in Article 238 among crimes concerning seal.
Article 6 (Foreign Crimes against the Republic of Korea and Koreans outside Korea)
This Code shall apply to an alien who commits a crime, other than those specified in the preceding Article, against the Republic of Korea or its national outside the territorial boundary of the Republic of Korea, unless such act does not constitute a crime, or it is exempt from prosecution or execution of punishment under the lex loci delictus.
Article 8 (Application of General Provisions)
The provisions of the preceding Articles shall also apply to such crimes as are provided by other statutes unless provided otherwise by such statutes.

Republic of Moldova
Pursuant to article 6, paragraph 3 of the International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings, the Republic of Moldova establishes its jurisdiction over the offences set forth in article 2 in cases provided for in article 6, paragraphs 1 and 2.

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