of Justice with the prior consent of all the Parties concerned.
In acceding to the Convention the Government of the Republic of Turkey, under article 16 (2) of the Convention declares that it doesn't consider itself bound by the provisions of paragraph (1) of the said article.
[Same reservation and declaration identical in substance, mutatis mutandis, as those made by Belarus.]
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
The Republic of Venezuela declares that it is not bound by the provisions of article 16, paragraph 1, of the Convention.
Objections (Unless otherwise indicated, the objections were made upon ratification, accession or succession.)
9 September 1998
With regard to declarations made by Lebanon upon accession:
"...The Government of Israel refers in particular to the political declaration "[see declaration "1" made under "Lebanon"] made by the Lebanese Republic on acceding to the [said] Convention.
"In the view of the Government of Israel, this Convention is not the proper place for making declarations of a political character. The Government of Israel will, in so far as concerns the substance of the matter adopt towards the Lebanese Republic an attitude of complete reciprocity.
"Moreover, in view of the Government of Israel, the Lebanese understanding of certain of the Convention's provisions [see declaration "2" made under "Lebanon"] is incompatible with and contradictory to the object and purpose of the Convention and in effect defeats that object and purpose."
27 March 2007
With regard to the interpretative declaration made by the Islamic Republic of Iran upon accession:
"The interpretative declaration made by Iran would limit the scope of application of the Convention to exclude acts that otherwise constitute the offence of "taking of hostages" under article 2, if they meet the test of "legitimate struggle of peoples under colonial domination and foreign occupation in the exercise of their right of self-determination". The interpretative declaration does not limit the obligations of Iran under the Convention with regard to article 1. Italy wishes to make clear that it opposes any and all interpretations of the Convention that would limit its scope of application, and does not consider the declaration made by Iran to have any effect on the Convention. Italy thus regards the Convention as entering into force between Italy and Iran without the interpretative declaration made by Iran."
Notifications made under article 7 (Unless otherwise indicated, the notifications were made upon ratification, acceptance or succession.)
Saudi Arabia
11 December 2001
[For the text of the communication see depositary notification C.N.1500.2001.TREATIES- of 8 January 2002]
End Note
1. Official Records of the General Assembly, Thirty-fourth Session, Supplement No. 46 (A/34/46), p. 245.
2. The former Yugoslavia had signed and ratified the Convention on 29 December 1980 and 19 April 1985, respectively, with the following reservation (made upon signature) and declaration (made upon ratification):
"With the reservation with regard to article 9, subject to subsequent approval pursuant to the constitutional provisions in force in Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia".
"The Government of the Yugoslavia herewith states that the provisions of Article 9 of the Convention should be interpreted and applied in practice in the way which would not bring into question the goals of the Convention, i.e. undertaking of efficient measures for the prevention of all acts of the taking of hostages as a p
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