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Постановление Европейского суда по правам человека от 12.05.2010 «Дело Шахабова (Shakhabova) против России» [англ.]

rfew. The authorities maintained manned checkpoints at the entry and exit points to the town.
8. At about 10 p.m. on 23 November 2002 the family of M.M. was at home. When Adam Khurayev went outside, to the toilet located in the courtyard, a group of over fifteen armed masked men in camouflage uniforms broke into the house. The intruders neither introduced themselves nor produced any documents. The applicant's relatives thought that they were Russian servicemen. They dispersed into different rooms, pointed their guns at the family members and ordered everyone to stay in their rooms. M.M.'s daughter, Ms L.M., rushed to the window and heard the intruders order someone in Russian: "Lie on the ground!" She thought that the order must have been given to Adam Khurayev, as he was the only family member in the yard.
9. Without providing any explanations or reasons for their actions, the servicemen conducted a quick but thorough search of M.M.'s house. They did not find anything of interest to them.
10. After that the servicemen returned to the yard and walked out into the street. Shortly thereafter M.M. and L.M. heard the sound of heavy military vehicles in the street.
11. Ms. A.M., one of M.M.'s neighbours, residing at 47 Lomonosova Street, was woken up at about 10 p.m. on 23 November 2002 by the sound of heavy military vehicles in the street. She looked out of the window and saw an APC (armoured personnel carrier) and two military UAZ vehicles ("таблетка") parked in the street. A.M. did not go outside because of the curfew. According to A.M., at the material time APCs were frequently driven in Urus-Martan at night and servicemen often took young men away. About fifteen minutes later the vehicles started their engines and drove away.
12. After the servicemen had left, the applicant's relatives realised that Adam Khurayev, who had been in the courtyard, had disappeared.
13. The applicant has had no news of Adam Khurayev since 23 November 2002.
14. The above account of the events is based on the applicant's application form and written statements by M.M. and A.M., dated 10 and 11 November 2005 respectively.

2. Information submitted by the Government

15. The Government submitted that on 23 November 2002 Adam Khurayev had been abducted by unidentified persons.

B. The search for Adam Khurayev and the investigation

1. The applicant's account

(a) The applicant's search for Adam Khurayev
16. In the morning of 24 November 2002 Arbi Khurayev went to Ingushetia to inform the applicant about the disappearance of Adam Khurayev. The applicant immediately went to Urus-Martan and started searching for her son. From 24 November 2002 for almost a month the applicant, who was elderly and illiterate, complained in person about her son's disappearance to a number of local law-enforcement agencies, including the Urus-Martan district military commander's office (hereafter "the district military commander's office"), the ROVD, and the Urus-Martan district prosecutor's office ("the district prosecutor's office"). The authorities denied any involvement on the part of their officials in the abduction of Adam Khurayev.
17. The applicant's relatives assisted her in the search for Adam Khurayev. They contacted, both in person and in writing, various official bodies, such as the President of the Russian Federation, the Envoy of the President of the Russian Federation for Ensuring Human Rights and Freedoms in the Chechen Republic, the Chechen administration, departments of the interior and prosecutors' offices at different levels, asking for help in establishing the whereabouts of Adam Khurayev. The applicant retained copies of a number of those complaints and submitted them to the Court. An official

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