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Постановление Европейского суда по правам человека от 12.05.2010 «Дело Сулейманова (Suleymanova) против России» [англ.]

us-Martan district, was ill. The family decided to visit her on the same day. Ramzan Suleymanov obtained the permission of Mr R.Dz. to use the KAMAZ lorry to get to Roshni-Chu. At about 7 p.m. he, Petimat Aydamirova, Ibragim Suleymanov and Aslanbek Aydamirov left Gekhi and drove in the lorry in the direction of Roshni-Chu.
10. At about 2 a.m. on the night between 16 and 17 May 2000 a resident of Gekhi Mr R.S. came to the house of Mr R.Dz. and told him that his KAMAZ lorry was burning about 500 metres away from the outskirts of Gekhi. Mr R.Dz. immediately got in the car and drove to the outskirts of the village. There he left his car next to the house of the head of the Gekhi village administration, Mr S.-S.A., and continued on foot towards Roshni-Chu.
11. When Mr R.Dz. approached the burning lorry he saw the naked body of Petimat Aydamirova next to the right side of the vehicle. Mr R.Dz. immediately returned to the village and woke up Mr S.-S.A. The latter was already aware of the events as he had heard Petimat Aydamirova screaming. According to him, in the evening of 16 May 2000 the KAMAZ lorry had been driving from Gekhi in the direction of Roshni-Chu. When the vehicle had been about 500 metres away from the outskirts of the village, Russian military servicemen in an APC (armoured personnel carrier) had approached it through the wheat field and opened gunfire. After the shooting a woman had started screaming; her screams had been heard by residents of Gekhi, including Mr S.-S.A. Then the residents had heard gunfire and the screaming had stopped. About half an hour later the servicemen had shot at the lorry from a grenade launcher, setting it on fire, before driving away.
12. Mr S.-S.A. told Mr R.Dz. that due to the curfew they had to leave immediately and return in the morning. Upon returning home Mr R.Dz. informed the applicant's nephew, whose house was nearby, about the events. The men agreed to return to the lorry in the morning on 17 May 2000. The applicant's nephew informed the applicant about the events on the same night.
b. Information provided by local residents about the events of the night between 16 and 17 May 2000
13. Early in the morning of 17 May 2000 the applicant went to the KAMAZ lorry with her relatives, Mr R.Dz., the head of the administration and a number of local residents.
14. According to the witnesses, next to the vehicle they saw numerous bullet holes in the ground whose positioning indicated that four people had been put down on the ground and shot in the head. The applicant's other son, Mr A., found a piece of human brain; Ibragim Suleymanov's cap was also discovered at the scene. There were many bullet casings around the lorry; the cab was covered with bullet holes, especially on the driver's side. The passenger's side, where Petimat Aydamirova had been sitting, remained intact.
15. In the wheat fields around the lorry the residents discovered numerous APC tyre tracks, which were clearly visible on the ground. The bodies of the applicant's relatives were gone, including the body of Petimat Aydamirova. It appeared that the servicemen had returned to the scene at some point after the shooting and had taken the corpses away.
16. On the same date, 17 May 2000, two unidentified residents of Gekhi told the applicant that the day before, in the evening of 16 May 2000, Russian military servicemen in two APCs and a military Ural lorry had been driving around the village in the wheat fields. At some point they had opened fire on the lorry with the applicant's relatives in it. The two men had heard Petimat Aydamirova and her son screaming, then the sounds of gunshots and the screaming had stopped. About thirty minutes later the servicemen had fired at the lorry from their grenade launcher and it had caught fire. After that they had left the scene. However, late at night the servicemen had b

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