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Постановление Европейского суда по правам человека от 18.02.2010 «Дело Ирисханова и Ирисханов (Iriskhanova and Iriskhanov) против России» [англ.]

d close to the applicants' house.
8. The group consisted of approximately thirty to forty men of Slavic appearance. They were armed with machine guns and spoke unaccented Russian. The men neither introduced themselves nor produced any documents. The applicants thought that they were Russian military servicemen.
9. The servicemen surrounded the applicants' house. The first applicant heard one of the officers, whom the others called "Lyekha" ("Леха"), calling somebody on his portable radio and reporting: "These men are not here..." and the response: "Take the other ones as well". When the first applicant asked the officers what was going on, they swore at her and threatened to shoot her.
10. When Zurab and Gilani Iriskhanov heard the APCs they ran outside. The servicemen opened fire on them. As a result, Zurab Iriskhanov was wounded and Gilani Iriskhanov was hit on the head with a gun butt and forced to the ground. The servicemen handcuffed Zurab and Gilani Iriskhanov, put sacks over their heads, kicked them and beat them with gun butts. After that they dragged the brothers to the APCs and put them into different vehicles.
11. Meanwhile some of the servicemen searched the applicants' house. They did not inform the applicants of what they were looking for. It appears that they did not find anything of interest to them. After the search the APCs drove away in the direction of the Samashki military commander's office.
12. The abduction of Zurab and Gilani Iriskhanov was witnessed by a number of the applicants' relatives and neighbours.
13. The description of the events of the evening of 19 June 2002 is based on the following accounts: two accounts by the first applicant, one dated 20 February 2005 and one undated; an account by the applicants' neighbour Ms A.Sh. (undated); an account by the applicants' neighbour Ms A.M. (undated); an account by the applicants' neighbour Ms A.A. (undated); an account by the applicants' neighbour Ms Z.K. dated 21 August 2005; an account by the applicants' neighbour Ms A.M. (undated); two accounts by a number of residents of Samashki (undated); a hand-drawn map of the premises and an article published in the newspaper Pravo-Zashchita ("Право-Защита") in the issue for 5 June 2003.

2. Information submitted by the Government

14. The Government did not challenge most of the facts as presented by the applicants. According to their submission "...the reason for the opening of the criminal case was the complaint by Z. Iriskhanova lodged on 21 June 2002 about the abduction of her sons Zurab Iriskhanov, who was born in 1980, and Gilani Iriskhanov, who was born in 1983, on 19th June 2002.

B. The search for Zurab Iriskhanov and the investigation

1. The applicants' account

15. Since 19 June 2002 the applicants have repeatedly applied in person and in writing to various public bodies. They were supported in their efforts by the SRJI. In their letters to the authorities the applicants referred to their son's abduction and asked for assistance and details of the investigation. Most of these enquiries have remained unanswered, or purely formal replies have been given in which the applicants' requests have been forwarded to various prosecutors' offices. The applicants submitted some of the letters to the authorities and the replies to the Court, which are summarised below.
a. The applicants' search for their sons
16. Immediately after the abduction of their sons the applicants, along with other residents of the village, went to the Samashki military commander's office (the military commander's office). It appears that by midnight of 19 June 2002 a crowd of almost 300 local residents gathered there. They demanded the release of Zurab and Gilani Iriskhano

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