mitation period or on the basis of other circumstances set forth in the legislation of this state.
Article 5
Competent Authorities
1. For the purposes of this Agreement the competent authority of the Russian Federation shall be the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and for the Arab Republic of Egypt - the Ministry of Justice of the Arab Republic of Egypt. The Competent Authorities of the Parties shall communicate with each other directly.
2. The Parties shall promptly notify each other if their competent authorities are changed.
Article 6
Request for Transfer
1. For the purposes of transfer of the sentenced person for serving sentence, the competent authority of one Party shall file a relevant request to the competent authority of the other Party.
2. The request shall be made in writing specifying information about identity of the sentenced person (surname, first name, patronymic, date and place of birth) as well as information about nationality of the sentenced person, which should be confirmed by a relevant document.
3. The competent authority of the state of passing a sentence shall enclose the following to the request:
1) certified copy of the judgment and a document confirming that the judgment has become final, if such document is set forth by the law of the state of passing the sentence;
2) document about the part of sentence which has been served by the sentenced person and the part of the sentence to be served;
3) document about execution of additional punishment if such was imposed;
4) text of the provisions of criminal law certified by this competent authority upon which the person was sentenced;
5) written consent of the sentenced person for his transfer for serving the sentence in the state of serving a sentence; if the sentenced person is unable to express his will freely due to his age or condition of physical or mental health - his legal representative's written consent. The state of passing a sentence shall provide consulate or other official of the state of serving a sentence with an opportunity to verify that consent is given voluntary;
6) if necessary the reference about health condition or special features of social behavior of the sentenced and information about treating him during his serving sentence.
4. The competent authorities of the Parties have a right to request additional documents or information.
5. The competent authority of the requested Party shall promptly inform the competent authority of the requesting Party of its decision regarding the transfer of the sentenced person upon receipt of all the necessary documents.
Article 7
Procedure of Transfer of the Sentenced Person
Place, time and procedure of transferring the sentenced person shall be mutually agreed between the competent authorities of the Parties.
Article 8
Execution of Sentence
1. After the transfer of the sentenced person, the state of serving a sentence shall ensure further serving the sentence according to the law of the state of serving the sentence.
2. The sentence shall be served under the decision of an appropriate authority of the state of serving a sentence of recognition and execution of a sentence by a court of the state of passing a sentence. The state of serving a sentence in accordance with its law shall set the same term of imprisonment as was imposed in the judgment.
3. If the person was sentenced to life imprisonment and there is no such sentence for this offence or offences in the state of serving a sentence, maximal term of imprisonment set forth in the legislation of the state of serving a sentence for this offence or of
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